WARMER MIXTAPES #813 | by William Edward Winslow-Hansen [William Winslow-Hansen] of Droom and Alunared
Art is a Psychic Language with a direct path to your Emotions. Having lived almost half a century, there are so many songs that are important to me.
1. Ennio Morricone | The Ecstasy Of Gold (The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
For me this is one of the Most Incredible Pieces of Music Ever Written. Ennio Morricone has always been a huge influence on me. How he uses Instruments and Orchestrations to paint a image that pulls you into a completely different headspace is Amazing.
2. Vangelis | Rachel's Song (Blade Runner Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
I cannot really explain how I felt about this track. Hearing it for the first time so long ago was Incredible. For me this is one of the Most Romantic and Beautiful Pieces of Music of All Time.
3. Pink Floyd | On The Run
One of the earliest memories I have is sitting with my grandmother and uncle listening to this track. I'm thinking it was the early Seventies. Quite a Different World Now, so much has changed, but this track is Timeless. The Putney Synth put through its paces on this track is quite Robotic and Alien Sounding. Even after all this Time Amazing. I still remember the dog howling during the filter sweeps in the track.
4. The Tornados | Telstar
I think Joe Meek really was a person who could Paint a Picture with Sound. I think the Lead Line on this track was done with a Clavioline (an early Monophonic Synth). I think this track is so cool even today. It's early Synth Rock. I mean really early it was written before Satellite Communication existed. In fact, it was written to commemorate the launching of the first Satellite to give us that.
5. Echo & The Bunnymen | The Killing Moon
Wow, a Post Punk song. Really tho, is this not one of the Most Perfect Songs Ever Written. I can remember the first time hearing this through a Walkman back in the 80s. Walking through a forested area in a park at Night Time. Poetic Ambient and Haunting. Just a Perfect Song on so many levels. Despite going through an Incredibly Traumatic event, this song seemed to make all right with the World.
6. Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark | Souvenir
One of my favourite bands of All Time. Seems like a Perfect Track for Vancouver during the Rain Old Vancouver. You attach your own Emotions to pieces of Music despite what the artist is singing about sometimes. For me this is a Sad song. I'd never heard anything like it before, but it was completely Familiar somehow.

7. Terror Bird | Shadows In The Halls
I was dead once. This song helped resurrect me. I've played in a few projects now. Some have been more successful than others. I've also had more than a fair share of Tragedy in my life. Some more recent than I'd like it to be. Chancing across this song was amazing. A complete Fluke really. A strange Lattice of coincidence leading me to what I'm doing now, but, wait, this isn't supposed to be a Diatribe about Metaphysical Experiences brought on by the Experiences of Life's Pain. Simply put, the Vocals in this track are quite raw. In fact, the entire track is quite unpolished, perfect to illustrate the Potential of this Artist. I am sure the best is to come for her. YouTube is like walking through a Garbage Dump of Bad Music. Some people might even find my offerings there to be Garbage as well, haha. That being said, finding Terror Bird there was like getting a Real Diamond Ring from a Cracker Jack box. OK, I like this song a lot and it was a benchmark for me to aim at that. Lead me to mount a new project where I'd take the biggest jump as an Artist.
8. Kellarissa | Passages
With no shadow of a Doubt the Most Underrated Artist in Vancouver Today. The Beauty of her Voice contrasts nicely with the Lo-Fi Hard Synths on this track. It's really a track that could have been written anytime in the last 30s, Timeless. It was hard to pick between this and Flamingo. There's almost a Naked Feeling to these tracks. No Flashing Lights, no Smoke and Mirrors. Beautiful stuff.
9. Petroleum By-Product | Convenient And Cheap
In another Fluke I happened across this band around the same time as I discovered the Backup Vocalist on this track. I happened to be watching a TV, I hooked up in the bed room so I could channel Brian Wilson and lie in bed. I could have put a Siouxsie And The Banshees song on the list, a Joy Division song, even a Cure song. I chose a Petroleum By-Product song. They were one of those bands that really should have had a much wider following. Put it down to a sign of the Times, the infamous back biting scene that just as soon see you die as succeed. People don't understand the Time, Effort, Money and Sacrifice to produce Music as good as this. Anyone can make Music these days. You just need a Computer and it does everything for you. I mean that in the most Sarcastic manner possible. I once worked in a place where all my coworkers were in a band. They all sounded like Nickelback. I can't lie there was a certain desire to drop a heavy pallet on them when I was using the forklift at work. The cream of the crop was a Cover Band that played 80s and Classic Rock Covers. Made up of Upper Middle Management types. Sadly, in a weaker moment, I was dragged out to see them. I think my partner summed it up best when she commented I guess I never realized how hard it is to play a Ramones song... Again I apologize for rambling a bit, but the point is this band could be looked upon as a tribute to things that have gone by. The Truth is they were a fuck of a lot better than most of their heroes. They just didn't realize it, I guess. Being in the wrong time at the right place might be Disastrous upon First Inspection. That being said, being Timeless Seldolmly is a Bad Thing. It's the Foundation of Something that Becomes Legendary. I think the Music Scene needs More Legends. Petroleum By-Product surely is worthy of that moniker. There's a lot more I could write, but let's just say I am sure that the Future Efforts by All the Artists involved in this band Warrant Close Attention. There may even be a Superstar Lurking amongst them, perhaps.
10. U2 | I Will Follow
Yup, I said it. Prior to Bono's career as a PseudoChrist, Paul, Dave, Larry and Adam aka U2 made some Pretty Electrifying Music. As a boy myself, picking up this album back into 1980 opened a whole New World to me. My life was fucked beyond all repair at that point. It'd take way, way, way too long to go into. I have to say tho, from the Opening first few strikes of Edge's Guitar, Cascading Drums, Thumping Bass, and the somehow Caterwauling of a man named after a Microphone I was sold. I just flat out, could not listen to this track enough. As I grew older I grew more obsessed with the band. Often imagining playing in a band like that when I got old enough. I had all these posters of this band, wearing Winter clothes in the Snow, looking like they were Freezing. Maybe I identified with them, because they looked like Soldiers in the War of Life that got their asses kicked somehow Alive, even tho mostly wounded. I remained a Loyal fan of this band right up 'til the 90s . Although the Shine had Tarnished significantly upon the first involvement of Eno and Lanois. Don't get me wrong, it was still quite pretty to listen to, but the Music had changed. I was still trying hard to be a man and asking why. By the end of the Film of that Decade of my life, the Girl was dead and I had become a Completely Different Human Being.
So the list had come to a end, but who am I to be asked an opinion on anything.
My close friend and I, mean Friend in the true sense of the word, Sally Dige picked one of my songs as a favorite for her Warmer Climes mixed tape list. Such a Cool Feeling to remain relevant at this age. I waited 'til I was 33 to Start Making Music. Although on some level I've always been Making Music. People are ready to tell you what you should and should not do. In my case I was born hearing impaired, so Music was never something I really was encouraged to do. I've faced much Adversity, but that's a topic for Consumption elsewhere.
Honestly, I could have put a thousand songs here. I am a Complex person with a Wide list of Life Experiences. I never started making Music for any other reason than the feeling it was something I was supposed to do. The feeling of Running Out Of Time being the Ultimate Motivator. I am still hoping for one song that I can do, just one that can stand the test of Time. People often ask what I do for Work. Music is my Work. I might not make Money from it, but none the less it is the Work I do. I've done it for a while now. Its Greatest Reward had been the Friendships. The Chances to Collaborate with people like Sally Dige and Jack Duckworth of Soft Riot. I am currently in the process of working on New Material with Sean Keane, a new collaborator. In fact, as I type this, it's hours before my first time singing in front of people. I am a little nervous, haha.
My close friend and I, mean Friend in the true sense of the word, Sally Dige picked one of my songs as a favorite for her Warmer Climes mixed tape list. Such a Cool Feeling to remain relevant at this age. I waited 'til I was 33 to Start Making Music. Although on some level I've always been Making Music. People are ready to tell you what you should and should not do. In my case I was born hearing impaired, so Music was never something I really was encouraged to do. I've faced much Adversity, but that's a topic for Consumption elsewhere.
Honestly, I could have put a thousand songs here. I am a Complex person with a Wide list of Life Experiences. I never started making Music for any other reason than the feeling it was something I was supposed to do. The feeling of Running Out Of Time being the Ultimate Motivator. I am still hoping for one song that I can do, just one that can stand the test of Time. People often ask what I do for Work. Music is my Work. I might not make Money from it, but none the less it is the Work I do. I've done it for a while now. Its Greatest Reward had been the Friendships. The Chances to Collaborate with people like Sally Dige and Jack Duckworth of Soft Riot. I am currently in the process of working on New Material with Sean Keane, a new collaborator. In fact, as I type this, it's hours before my first time singing in front of people. I am a little nervous, haha.