WARMER MIXTAPES #1108 | by Eric Maltz of Come Conciencia, Peculiar Gentlemen, Secret Rooms and Room Service
1. Cibo Matto | Déjà Vu
This song has been stuck in my head since I bought the new Cibo Matto record a few weeks ago. Their whole new album Hotel Valentine is pretty amazing, but this song in particular really stands out to me. I think it just has an incredible amount of creativity, variation, dirtiness, and fun. It's just a very cool piece of Music.
2. Erykah Badu | The Healer
When this record dropped I was a few months deep into a Parliment/Funkadelic spiral, and all I could listen to was far out insanity. The first cut on the album New Amerykah: Part One (4th World War) is straight up Funk, which leads right into this total heavyweight of a track. The vibe of this track is so perfect and deep and Funky and dark and so subtle that it still sounds new a few years later. Way cutting edge.
3. Levon Vincent | Stereo Systems
After downloading his Fabric mix and hitting play, I began wandering around my apartment, daydreaming. This track came on, and I stopped walking around, sat down in front of my monitors, closed my eyes and just listened. It is the perfect intersection of Inspiration and Precision. I feel lucky to be able to count Levon as my very dear friend, and I am constantly in awe of his musical abilities.
4. Mister Barrington | Wrong Number!
This is like a super group of super serious musicians. These guys are pushing the boundaries of incorporating new technology and techniques with good old fashioned instruments. These motherfuckers can play! This track is a perfect example, it's all here. Plus amazing sounds and atmospheres to boot. One day I hope to see them play live.

5. Ravi Shankar & George Harrison | Gaayatri
I'm a mediator and lover of Yoga. It plays a huge role in my life and is the foundation of everything I do. So I naturally gravitate towards the sounds of Indian Classical Music. This song is from the George Harrison produced, Ravi Shankar album entitled Chants Of India. The Gaayatri mantra is a fundamental and important mantra in the world of Meditation. This rendition is beautiful, and this entire album is a perfect starting point for anyone who is curious about Indian Music.
6. Rhythm & Sound | No Partial
These guys. Every song is a lesson in low end management, Arranging, Mixing, Composition, and just all around good taste. This track is a great example. Their music is always good. Always.
7. Brian Eno | 1/2 (From Ambient 1: Music For Airports)
OK, Brian Eno has been really inspiring me lately. I've been getting very into this concept of Generative Music. I believe he applied this technique on the album, Music For Airports, and more recently on this really cool App/Album called Scape. This song is so beautiful, and seems to naturally and effortlessly unfold, it's like an imitation of Nature, of Life itself. The idea of setting up a sonic system, that references itself in order to move forward and develop, seems to me to emulate the process of Human Intelligence and Consciousness. Unbelievable!

8. Philip Glass | Music In Twelve Parts - Part 1 (with Philip Glass Ensemble & Michael Riesman)
His music is just straight up beautiful to listen to. It leaves us room for our imagination to play, and yet if you really pay attention, there is an incredible amount of complexity, and a complete mastery of pattern and variation. This first part is absolutely beautiful, and once playing, transforms wherever you are into a shimmering wonderland.
9. The Orb | Star 6 & 7 8 9 (Live 93 Version)
This is a classic record from a seminal group. When I listen to this record, and how they use sounds and samples, the absolute Creativity and sense of play they have is so inspiring. It's truly surrealist music, and it's refreshing! These guys have a beautiful sense of humor and incredible ears. I wish there was more Modern Dance Music with this sensibility, or maybe there is and I'm just out of the loop!
10. Pamelia Kurstin | Creature To People
Pamelia Kurstin is another friend of mine, she has taught me a tremendous amount about Music. Everything she writes is beautiful, her theremin playing and live shows are awe inspiring, and this song, one of her piano compositions, blew my mind when I first heard it. Any chance I get to hang out with her I take, and I always come away inspired. This is music at its purest.