WARMER MIXTAPES #1118 | by Luke Francesco Cusato [Luke Cusato]
1. Thomas Newman | Any Other Name (American Beauty Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
This song was one of the first ever songs that I truly emotionally connected with. I’m pretty sure it was around 2009 (I was 14 at the time) when I first heard this song and it was this exact song that began to fuel my fascination with Film Scores and Soundtracks. I’ve always been a caring and a sensitive person and now looking back (as I listen to this as I type) I guess this reflects a certain element of my personality and inner self which I think is why I connected with this piece of Music so well. I first came across Any Other Name on YouTube, then a few months later we then stumbled across the film when me and my dad were watching TV. All I can remember fully from the film was the scene with the floating plastic bag, this song was softly accompanying it and amazingly, because of this song, it gave the scene so much depth and meaning. This floating bag in the breeze scene came across to me as so strangely beautiful... A pretty influential moment it was for me, as it made me realise how powerful Music can be. No forgetting to mention; without this song (and Yann Tiersen - Comptine D'Un Autre Été) I don’t think I would have ever named my top 10 songs for Warmer Climes as I highly doubt I would have played Piano if it wasn’t for both songs above. I dreamt of one day learning to play these songs, so shortly after I taught myself to play Piano and now I’m here!
2. John Legend | Ordinary People
Oh man, this song! I still absolutely love this song!! Just like how Any Other Name inspired me to play Piano, Ordinary People inspired me to sing. I remember when my cousin first sent me this song via Bluetooth (back when everyone used to Bluetooth each other everything) and I fell in love with it instantly. Even when I listen to this song now I still get shivers from the soul and passion of John Legend's voice and performance. Ordinary People was a song that I would continuously play around the time when I was about 14, back when I couldn’t even hold a note yet I’d still sing it! A few years later I decided to learn Ordinary People for my repertoire of Covers.
3. Matt Corby | Untitled
In 2012; through a friend of mine, I was introduced to the beautiful Music of Matt Corby. After spending some time listening to his music, I soon after became hooked to his very heartfelt works of Art. Through experiences with my ex girlfriend, his music became very sentimental to myself, and during the first very intimate moment with my ex, this song was playing in the background. That moment now clings onto me every time I play this song; the song itself always reminds me of a very special moment in my life. In my opinion, the tone and sound of his voice on Untitled is extraordinary! And I feel this song really does showcase his vocal range well. The dynamics are perfect and I can tell how much meaning is crafted into the song; and for that reason I will never get bored of it.
4. Train | Drops Of Jupiter
Throughout this list I begin to realise that many songs I favourite are actually Piano based (it definitely symbolises to myself that the piano was just destined for me, haha). Drops Of Jupiter by Train just really shouts out to me and always has done. It’s just a great song in my eyes and I think the lyrics are mega quality, especially the chorus! I only recently looked up the true meaning of the song (as I always assumed it was either a Love song for a girl or friend) and I then discovered it was dedicated to his mother who passed away. I was hit with realisation and my respect now strongly holds higher for this song, now clarifying the reason why I favourite it.
5. The Fray | How To Save A Life
The amount of times I must have searched this song on YouTube and played it back in 2010 must be in the thousands. The songs that always stick with me are the ones that have a truly powerful message and expression! Playing this song in my bedroom during 2010 was a regular occurrence. I would put my headphones on and soak the Music in, most of the time I’d have this single on repeat and I would never get bored of it. Songs like this have always inspired me to write and I think a lot of my favourite Music has had a huge input on the style of my writing.

6. Paolo Nutini | Coming Up Easy
Coming Up Easy reminds me so much of the amazing summer time which I had a few years ago. I close my eyes and I feel so warm and can picture the beauty of what summer times can be like, everything hot, bright and allllll good! I’ve always loved Paolo Nutini since he released his first album and as an artist I have so much respect for his Music. One of my favourite lyrics are also from this song; It was in Love I was created and in Love is how I hope I die. It just says a lot to me in a sentence, plus it sounds awesome as it repeats at the end of the song.
7. The Cinematic Orchestra | All Things To All Men (feat. Roots Manuva)
Yet another song that I’ve listened to a countless amount of times. This has been a real deep thinking song for myself, it’s been the Background Music for long journeys I’ve taken and it’s also got me through some real tough coursework throughout the time I spent during College. I think it is an incredible piece of Music which includes some amazing verses from a rapper called Roots Manuva.
8. Lianne La Havas | Gone
Listening to this can still choke me up depending where my mind is at the time. Lianne La Havas very much reminds me of my ex girlfriend in looks and also because she was one of her favourite artists at the time. I totally relate to the message and feel like I’m the guy she’s singing about in Gone as it was a similar situation which I experienced.
9. James Vincent McMorrow | Cavalier
As soon as I first pressed play and heard the beginning note that James sings, I instantly fell in Love with his voice. It was around October 2013 when I noticed he’d realised this on to Soundcloud. And after listening to this, it felt like I’d first experienced what it was like being smashed in the face with a hammer of absolute Talent and Brilliance! The shear fact that Cavalier sends me into another realm of thought simply wins me over. Soon after, this sexy ass song became my favourite for a good 4 months and it still manages to have the same effect on me like it did when I first heard it.
10. KOAN Sound x Gemini x Culprate x Asa | Beyond The Shadows
Lastly but not to the least; Beyond The Shadows was recommended to me by a very good friend of mine called Jake (aka Charm Offensive). I’ve always had a love for all kinds of Music, especially Electronic; but I’ve never came across an Electronic song that has moved me like this one before. When I first heard it last year in 2013 I was shocked. It felt like I had gone on some mad Spiritual revelation and journey to the land of Incredible Production. This song really spoke out to me and connected to me in a way that richly orchestral based Film Soundtracks also do, and that’s what makes this song so special for me. Things were going extremely well for me at the time for my Music career and when I heard this I was overwhelmed at the Creativity. This really did fuel more thoughts for me to try more Experimental vocal ideas, as I kept singing to it. Not forgetting that Beyond The Shadows is collaborative work by four amazing producers, I really feel each part of the song has its own identity which makes me favourite this song so much.