WARMER MIXTAPES #1443 | by Linda Perhacs
Photo by Bill Funk
1. Julia Holter | He's Running Through My Eyes
Julia and I sing together and perform together often. She is young and fairly new in the Worldwide Music Arena, but she is incredible beyond words. You have to listen to her.
2. The Beatles | All You Need Is Love
Because I come from the era of the 60's and 70's I have some strong favorites from that era. All You Need Is Love and every other song they wrote... Love 'em all.
3. Joni Mitchell | Both Sides, Now
She opened the doors for so many of us and influenced us all.
4. Leon Russell | A Song For You
Beyond perfect. Totally unique.

5. Genesis | The Cinema Show
The initial chord progression in the beginning of this song is one of the most astounding chord progressions in any piece of Music ever. It matches The Universe, it is so balanced. This is Genius level. It is stunning and ranks with all the best Music ever.
6. Sean Lennon | Dead Meat
I really love this song. It is about You Get What You Deserve... It is really well done and it speaks The Truth.
7. Jonathan Wilson | Dear Friend
I love his improvisational work. This was my true favorite of his.

8. Connie Dover | Cantus
This is totally gorgeous from start to finish.
9. Beck | Morning
The harmonies are astounding... They go out into The Universe... The engineering on this album is beyond gorgeous.
10. Sisyphus | Rhythm Of Devotion
This song in particular is very unique. I love the way Sufjan builds the delicate choir over such interesting and dramatic percussion. Frankly, I love everything Sufjan does... He is amazing...
+11. Lex De Azevedo | My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord (with Christeena Michelle Riggs) (feat. The Millennium Choir) (Gloria: The Life Of Christ Original Soundtrack)
This song is sung by Christeena Michelle Riggs. People have asked me how I have such a wide range of singing. I sing to this album almost daily. I sing with the baritones, the tenors, the altos and the high sopranos. It stretches my voice to a wider range and the beauty of their professional trained voices reminds me how to use the voice to strengthen it. At the same time, every song is a prayer. It helps me daily to meditate and pray more deeply. Since most of my Music is written inwardly because it comes from The Universe, I do draw on Prayer and Meditation for most of my compositions. I hear it inwardly and it comes like falling water... Like Rain.
+12. Opeth | Moon Above, Sun Below
One of my favorite great loves is Mikael Akerfeldt of the Swedish Heavy Metal band Opeth. Mikael is the sole composer of the Music and the lead singer of the Music. The Music is very complex both in rhythm, and fast changes between Power and Delicacy. I especially love his Nordic melody lines and the arpeggios. I am not able to listen to the Heavy Metal parts which are too much for my soul. However I do love the quick changes in intensity in his Music. I really like the song.