WARMER MIXTAPES #1445 | by Rick Treffers [El Turista Optimista] of Girlfriend Misery, Miss Universe & Mist
Photo by Stella Blasco Berlanga
1. Loney Dear | Distant
Since I discovered this Swedish genius some seven years ago, I have been listening to his five great albums without a pause. I really identify with the atmospheres he evokes. Great arrangements, great Pop moments, beautiful melancholy. All his songs are excellent and also live on stage, Loney Dear has given me the goose bumps several times.
2. Joan Manuel Serrat | MediterrĂ¡neo
Speaking of Warmer Climes… I have always had a strong relationship with the Mediterranean and especially with Spain. Catalan singer/songwriter Serrat made some beautiful albums in Spanish and Catalan in the seventies. Romantic, hearfelt, poetic and beautifully arranged.
3. Peter Hammill | (On Tuesdays She Used To Do) Yoga
Peter Hammill inspired me a lot with his solo work, especially his songs about Love, Relationship and matters of the Psyche. Sometimes way over the top, but a great singer and a good example of someone who sticks to his own path.
4. The Notwist | Chemicals
I really dig the combination of Melancholic Pop with Electronic sounds and a lot of Texture and Harmony. This German band is very good at it. Love their albums Shrink and Neon Golden especially. I think you can hear the influence of The Notwist in Mist sometimes too.

5. Godspeed You Black Emperor! | Sleep: Murray Ostril: "...They Don't Sleep Anymore On The Beach..."/Monheim/Broken Windows, Locks Of Love Pt. III./3rd Part
I remember crying listening to this theme in 2001. Music that makes me cry is Music that obviously moves me. That’s what’s Music for. Besides, I love the Symphonic approach to this Music. When I was 15, I listened to Hard Rock and some Sympho. But this Music is darker, deeper and real. It touches me deeply.
6. The Divine Comedy | A Lady Of A Certain Age
Such a great singer and songwriter. Someone with style and a great sense of humour and sense of Melody. This song really moves me. My mother likes it too!

7. The Innocence Mission | God Is Love
I'm not religious at all, but this Music is so Divine, I can’t escape from it. I have been listening to some of their albums the past ten years and I’m still doing so. Minimalistic, but rich in Harmony and Sensibility.
8. Dusty Springfield | The Look Of Love (Casino Royale Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
I love the great compositions of Burt Bacharach and to me Dusty Springfield is the best interpreter of his songs. I listened a lot to this album Songbook (also Music by Carole King) and it partly inspired me to write the songs for the first Mist album We Should Have Been Stars.
9. The Beach Boys | God Only Knows
This was the other album I listened to when we were making the first Mist album in 2002. Perfect Pop album and totally ahead of its time as for the arrangements.
10. Morphine | The Night
I used to make CD-compilations for friends in the 1990s and used to start with this beautiful warm, dark and haunting song. A real, rather unknown classic, to me.