WARMER MIXTAPES #1496 | by Jarred Young (Lovers Jump Creek) of Bad Pony
1. Inner Circle | Sweat (A La La La La Long)
This is the earliest song I can remember listening to. It reminds me of my mum and the townhouse we grew up in in Hong Kong. I used to have a particular spot in between the Stereo and the glass sliding door leading to the garden where I absolutely HAD to stand while I sang along. I must have been about three.
2. The Peep Tempel | Carol
This song really took me by surprise. On first listen I think I wrote it off as humorous because of the fron man's bogan accent (our version of white trash), and slightly off kilter lyrics. But, man, I was so, so, so wrong. It's simple, honest, dark, beautiful, catchy and Australian as all hell. One of my all time favourites.
3. Swim Season | The Throne
Swim Season are my favourite Australian band. They are also good friends of mine and are amongst my favourite humans in the World. They are insanely talented musicians and write the most deliciously infectious Indie Pop. I'm not a big dancer, but when I see these guys play I always lose my shit. Really amazing live band. A few of the dudes played in a band called We The People before Swim Season came to fruition (I was a big fan of theirs as well) and The Throne was the first single they put out as Swim Season. It's a perfect Pop song and makes me happy every time I hear it.

4. Michael Jackson | Dirty Diana
THAT CHORUS! God damn. Never has there been a vocal that amazing before or since. Michael Jackson was my first Music-related idol. My mum had all his videos and laser discs (remember those?) and I watched them on repeat. You'd think due to my obsession I would've learned to dance, but I never did.
5. Manchester Orchestra | The Only One
The opening track to my favourite album of recent times. Andy Hull's vocals are just ridiculous throughout Everything To Nothing and this track is a good example of it. He yells, screeches, screams and isn't always on tune, which I love. Rock & Roll should always be rough and imperfect.
6. Rival Sons | Pressure And Time
This is my pump up song. If I'm ever feeling down or flat and need a bit of a kick up the arse, this tune always does the job.
7. Dyke & The Blazers | Let A Woman Be A Woman - Let A Man Be A Man
Possibly the Funkiest tune ever written. That drum groove is absolutely legendary. This one never fails to put a smile on my dial.

8. Rick James | Ghetto Life
Rick James gets this piss taken out of him a fair bit, but he was a great entertainer. I've never understood how I feel about him. I always wonder how he was SO cool yet SO cheesy at the same time. Then I hear the opening riff of this tune and forget about it all.
9. Foals | Balloons
This drum groove is so creative and syncopated and excellent. I really love this album too, it has such a distinct drum style and sound which left a big mark on me.
10. Patrick Watson | Luscious Life
This song is like a big warm hug when you're feeling down, it's so beautiful. Patrick's tone is amazing, I love the 7/8 feel as well, you don't hear it often enough!