SIDE A | by Jason Vaz
1. Change | Hold Tight
I have played this song pretty much everyday from as long as I can remember! There’s something about this song that makes me extremely happy, and this one just reminds me of my incredible parents and brother as its always been played in the Vaz household, amazing vibes.
2. George Benson | Love X Love
First record I bought when I was about 15, my dad and myself love to listen to this when we get a good fry up going in the morning!
3. Burial | Unite
If I had to say who my favourite producer is, it would have to be Burial. He has influenced my Music Production so much, and every song takes you on an incredible journey.
4. With Joyful Lips | The Promise Of Sleep
This one is actually my amazing brother who I owe a lot too, absolutely stunning production and whole EP is timeless, released in July 2012 and this EP still goes in! May be being a little bit bias, but has to be the best producer I know, an all round creative that has definitely inspired me to be a Music producer. Muchos Love!
5. Chaos In The CBD | Luxury Motivation
Back in 2015 my mates bought me a shower speaker for my birthday and I have been boogying everyday in the shower listening to this… Don’t think I will ever get bored of this song.

6. Bonobo | Transits (feat. Szjerdene)
Saw Bonobo and Gold Panda Live at Alexandra Palace with Harv and a load of our best mates and it was 100% the best live show I have ever seen. Transits live with a full orchestra gave me serious goosebumps.
7. Mala | Alicia
Discovered Deep Medi when I was about 12 and have been hooked on this scene till today. Love this one as Harv and myself always have this on repeat, an Art Bloc favourite!
8. Cabasa | Collapse (Nuvaman Remix)
This remix is BIG! Delicious breaks and vocal snippets. Definitely recommend checking out a circle of talented producers such as Nuvaman, Hypho, Yak, Cabasa, Earth Movement, Foxmind and Lokua! Big things from all of these guys, loving their sound.
9. Tom Misch & Laura Misch | Follow
Me and my best mates listen to a tonne of Tom Misch, Kaytranada, J Dilla and Rejjie Snow and this song is always on repeat when we're all together.
10. Chet Baker | Autumn Leaves
Vaz loves Jazz.
+11. Will Papworth | POKO
Wicked track by one of my best buds, really admire this track… Saw a lot of hard work go into this production and it really shows with the outstanding percussion and groovy melodies.
SIDE B | by Harvey Wise
1. Bonobo | Terrapin
I thought I would start off with my favourite track ever by Bonobo. Listening to this track takes me back to family holidays going trough Europe on long car journeys. Subconsciously these CD’s would begin to shape my taste and Love for Music.
2. Four Tet | Jupiters
I had to feature a Four Tet track within my top 10 as he has had such a big influence on my taste and working style. I Love the way Four Tet has such a open mind to Music which is evident within his productions.
3. Happa | Hallucinations
By far my favourite tune by Happa. Hallucinations was my gateway drug into the Underground of Dark Techno, Dark Garage, etc.
4. Mala | Changes
A timeless tune which I feel will still have the same power 10, 20 years down the line. Seeing Mala himself drop this tune in the main room of Fabric in 2016 showed me the immense power the song still has.
5. Digital Mystikz | Anti War Dub
To me this tune has so much Emotion to it, and I Love songs which hold emotions... Everything in this song is just perfect, I even added this song on my bucket list To Hear Live. Luckily, in the summer of 2016 during a Digital Mystikz set at Sunfall the duo dropped it… My God, did I lose my mind, I was almost brought to tears. This reaction to a song is why I Love Music and The Power it maintains.

6. Burial | Endorphin
Going along with the theme of Emotional and Power, it feels wrong not mentioning the Experimental work of Burial. I think in general I like Music that is interesting and sounds unheard of, so when I came across Burial, oh boy, was I a happy person. I Love the atmosphere Burial crafts in his productions and in particular with Endorphin. I Love how this track doesn't feature drums and is more of a pure soundscape track which will give you goose bumps. I also remember watching a documentary called Bitter Lake which featured a couple of Burial's tracks, I think the Emotion of the documentary which ran along with this Emotional Music gave both aspects so much Power and I would also recommend the documentary as a much watch.
7. Lamont | In The Field (feat. Nico Lindsay)
In The Field has to be one of my favourite songs of 2016, I Love its Simplicity and power of its Minimal sound paired up with Nico Lindsay to create a massive track!
8. Yak | Magg
Along with In The Field, my other top track of 2016 has to go to Magg by Yak. This track has a tremendous amount of Power with its Wonky percussive sound. I Love this tune because there's not much sounding like it at the moment and I Love the fact that you cannot assign this song to a certain genre, it just is what it is.
9. EVA808 | ALL CAPS
Waited a long time for the official release of this. Sounds too good.
10. Soloman | Bokeh
I think this may be my favourite track to hear get dropped when out. If this doesn't make your body move... Then I don't know what would.
1. Change | Hold Tight
I have played this song pretty much everyday from as long as I can remember! There’s something about this song that makes me extremely happy, and this one just reminds me of my incredible parents and brother as its always been played in the Vaz household, amazing vibes.
2. George Benson | Love X Love
First record I bought when I was about 15, my dad and myself love to listen to this when we get a good fry up going in the morning!
3. Burial | Unite
If I had to say who my favourite producer is, it would have to be Burial. He has influenced my Music Production so much, and every song takes you on an incredible journey.
4. With Joyful Lips | The Promise Of Sleep
This one is actually my amazing brother who I owe a lot too, absolutely stunning production and whole EP is timeless, released in July 2012 and this EP still goes in! May be being a little bit bias, but has to be the best producer I know, an all round creative that has definitely inspired me to be a Music producer. Muchos Love!
5. Chaos In The CBD | Luxury Motivation
Back in 2015 my mates bought me a shower speaker for my birthday and I have been boogying everyday in the shower listening to this… Don’t think I will ever get bored of this song.

6. Bonobo | Transits (feat. Szjerdene)
Saw Bonobo and Gold Panda Live at Alexandra Palace with Harv and a load of our best mates and it was 100% the best live show I have ever seen. Transits live with a full orchestra gave me serious goosebumps.
7. Mala | Alicia
Discovered Deep Medi when I was about 12 and have been hooked on this scene till today. Love this one as Harv and myself always have this on repeat, an Art Bloc favourite!
8. Cabasa | Collapse (Nuvaman Remix)
This remix is BIG! Delicious breaks and vocal snippets. Definitely recommend checking out a circle of talented producers such as Nuvaman, Hypho, Yak, Cabasa, Earth Movement, Foxmind and Lokua! Big things from all of these guys, loving their sound.
9. Tom Misch & Laura Misch | Follow
Me and my best mates listen to a tonne of Tom Misch, Kaytranada, J Dilla and Rejjie Snow and this song is always on repeat when we're all together.
10. Chet Baker | Autumn Leaves
Vaz loves Jazz.
+11. Will Papworth | POKO
Wicked track by one of my best buds, really admire this track… Saw a lot of hard work go into this production and it really shows with the outstanding percussion and groovy melodies.

1. Bonobo | Terrapin
I thought I would start off with my favourite track ever by Bonobo. Listening to this track takes me back to family holidays going trough Europe on long car journeys. Subconsciously these CD’s would begin to shape my taste and Love for Music.
2. Four Tet | Jupiters
I had to feature a Four Tet track within my top 10 as he has had such a big influence on my taste and working style. I Love the way Four Tet has such a open mind to Music which is evident within his productions.
3. Happa | Hallucinations
By far my favourite tune by Happa. Hallucinations was my gateway drug into the Underground of Dark Techno, Dark Garage, etc.
4. Mala | Changes
A timeless tune which I feel will still have the same power 10, 20 years down the line. Seeing Mala himself drop this tune in the main room of Fabric in 2016 showed me the immense power the song still has.
5. Digital Mystikz | Anti War Dub
To me this tune has so much Emotion to it, and I Love songs which hold emotions... Everything in this song is just perfect, I even added this song on my bucket list To Hear Live. Luckily, in the summer of 2016 during a Digital Mystikz set at Sunfall the duo dropped it… My God, did I lose my mind, I was almost brought to tears. This reaction to a song is why I Love Music and The Power it maintains.

6. Burial | Endorphin
Going along with the theme of Emotional and Power, it feels wrong not mentioning the Experimental work of Burial. I think in general I like Music that is interesting and sounds unheard of, so when I came across Burial, oh boy, was I a happy person. I Love the atmosphere Burial crafts in his productions and in particular with Endorphin. I Love how this track doesn't feature drums and is more of a pure soundscape track which will give you goose bumps. I also remember watching a documentary called Bitter Lake which featured a couple of Burial's tracks, I think the Emotion of the documentary which ran along with this Emotional Music gave both aspects so much Power and I would also recommend the documentary as a much watch.
7. Lamont | In The Field (feat. Nico Lindsay)
In The Field has to be one of my favourite songs of 2016, I Love its Simplicity and power of its Minimal sound paired up with Nico Lindsay to create a massive track!
8. Yak | Magg
Along with In The Field, my other top track of 2016 has to go to Magg by Yak. This track has a tremendous amount of Power with its Wonky percussive sound. I Love this tune because there's not much sounding like it at the moment and I Love the fact that you cannot assign this song to a certain genre, it just is what it is.
9. EVA808 | ALL CAPS
Waited a long time for the official release of this. Sounds too good.
10. Soloman | Bokeh
I think this may be my favourite track to hear get dropped when out. If this doesn't make your body move... Then I don't know what would.