Facts & Figures | with Joel Karlsson of Air France
Warmer Climes: Tell me about a moment in your existence when life hurt.
Joel Karlsson: This is a difficult question, much too difficult really. I've naturally always felt more or less pain in different situations when I have been confronted with loneliness or loss of whatever. But it really took me many years before I really began to accept, in a earnest way, that life hurts and that's the way it is. I've always tried to fight it and couldn't accept that life isn't very understandable. It's full of many helpless situations. I guess the pain can help us make good choices in life. In the end. But of course, that's a question of context. However, I should probably not go deeper than that, I'm beginning to sound like a Guru, haha.
Warmer Climes: Where to find a perfect anchor of hope?
Joel Karlsson: Oh. Again a big issue, this is therapy for me. You should send an invoice to me! Well, I think honestly that the daily things in my life are worth the most. I love to just sit and look at my cat when she's playing, and I love it when I wake up and my honey smiles at me or when the chaffinch sits on the balcony day after day. Or the smell of strong coffee on a Saturday morning.