1. Talking Heads | This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)
I had the pleasure of meeting David Byrne recently and this song was playing in my head the whole time.
2. Peter's House Music | The Mirror Has 2 Faces
This guy is great! I can feel his vibes direct inside my brain head and he makes glitter bombs burst out of my eyeballs.
3. Cluster | Hollywood
This song stacks sound on top of a really amazing quirky beat, teeters like a 10ft tall stack of pancakes then falls into my mouth filling me up! Uhm...
4. La Bionda | I Wanna Be Your Lover
I wanna make contact! This song always puts a firecracker on the dance floor! I often feel that the music my generation is making is really just the conjuring of music from our past beamed back to us by extraterrestrials, you know in a post-modern theory kind of way. HaHa. The video is amazing and makes me wish to fill my studio space with sci-fi props. Also I recently saw Twin Sister cover it and knock it out of the park. Mad props!
5. Walsh | Luxury (feat. Squadda Bambino)
Dracula Horse is so sick they ill. Damn!
6. Dinosaur L | Go Bang (Walter Gibbons Unreleased Mix)
Early 1970s NYC disco underground scene, percussion heavy, lock grooves and, attitude. This is the mix I want played while my cosmic liturgy is in procession.
7. DannielRadall | Lucie Lu
This track takes me on a voyage of unknown awe. Simultaneously delivering the perspectives of the impossibly large and infinitely small. Danniel uses his strong musical intuition by directing and manipulating some of my favorite appropriations into subtle washes of beautiful color. What I mean is: it gets my synesthesia all worked up!
8. New Order | Perfect Kiss
This song will always remind me of CANDY STARLIGHT. We believe in a land of love.
9. Com Truise | Pyragony
Washy synth sparkles... Muy bueno! His graphic design is really great as well. Just an overall sense of composition that I find aesthetically pleasing. We should make a movie together, score, script, and all. It would be great original sci-fi with analog effects and an erotic sub plot.
10. Wild Nothing | Vultures Like Lovers
I love this band! So honest and wonderful, yet aware. I had this song on repeat for about a month. Their live show is great and Jack is a really cool genuine guy. Go see them if you can! And get all their records from Captured Tracks! You won't be disappointed.