WARMER MIXTAPES #360 | by Barry Lynn [Boxcutter]
1. Third Eye Foundation | Lions Writing The Bible
Magical, strange sound. Feels thousands of years old.
2. Gonjasufi | Ancestors
A heavy window into cellular-level consciousness.
3. MaryAnne Amacher | Living Sound, Patent Pending Music (Edit)
This is devastating, feels like something vast, dark and incomprehensible has swept over your head.
4. Jimi Hendrix | May This Be Love
Perfect music, been a part of my life since I was little. Feel like it could never lose its charm or effect on me.
5. Fripp & Eno | Swastika Girls/Evening Star
Keeping on the sweet, major-key guitar solo tip.

6. Pierre Bachelet/Jean Schulteis | Motel Show
Luscious soft disco from the soundtrack to some late 70s French erotic film I wanna see.
7. Krist Wood | Twin Peaks Theme (Falling)
Lovely, unique performance of a resonant piece of music.
8. Bobby Hutcherson & Harold Land | Procession
Off an LP called San Francisco, that I bought in San Francisco. Can't say which part I like most, the cymbal and vibes crescendo or the legato oboe melody in the outro.
9. Boredoms | (Circle)
Newsuuuuunnnn... Music of pure optimism and wonder.
10. Martin Rev | Asia
I've just finished a mix and feel that this track is the key moment in it. It's a sort of motorik piano drone, with these slow motion crystal explosions detonating over a distant drum machine. So simple, but it sends me into a trance every time.