1. Kylie Minogue | Wow
I bought this CD when the album first dropped, I also bought Janet Jackson's All For You record. Outside of those two Pop albums at that age I was only buying Hardcore/Metalcore albums. I still drop this track from time to time, it has an immortal Club quality to it, those filter sweeps are so sexy. Kylie is greater than Gaga or whoever hackish Pop star is the flavor of the week. Yeah I said it. Also Gaga ripped off 10 time Grammy nominated Vocaloid Hatsune Miku. Hack Hack
Hack The Planet.
2. Norrit | You Were Just Callin
I've know Iggy (Norrit) since I was 16. We seen each other grow up and get older. Watching each other grow older is sad but it's necessary. I think through it we become stronger if we stick together. This track makes me feel like that 16 year old kid again doing a show in a basement or the local park on a shitty sampler, too nervous to talk to the cute girl I like.
3. Fonzerelli | Moonlight Party
My friend Julian (aka Lil Internet) showed me this track from back in the Botnet Rave Daze. If there is an after life I dream of a glowing beach where all my friends are and it's nite but it's so bright because all the stars and Moon are out. Full Moon Rave forever.

4. Lifelike | So Electric
My friend Phillip showed me this track a few years back. I remember listening to it during my Ecstasy phase basically on repeat with all the other Lifelike songs. I had a little set up with TVs stacked to the ceiling while trolling IRC for hackers, playing Super Nintendo at the same time. I really can't describe this feeling, it's almost painful, but beautiful things are exotic, exotic things can be poisonous and/or dangerous.
5. John Dahlback | July First
John Dahlback is most definitely one of my new immortal favorites. I only started listening to his work about two years ago. I first heard this track in a mix called Forever by a friend of mine named Morgan Louis. He's an amazing DJ, truly a master of House. This song is at the end of the Forever mix and I remember first hearing it while I was tripping on 2C-E at a water park. The second time we were all in a house on 2C-E, I'm pretty sure I listened to that mix back to back with another for about 10 hours straight. I love my friends and you could look down on people that induce these altered states, but it makes you all feel what each other are feeling, sharing all the light and darkness inside of each other, no one can take that away from you, that connection, and in the end that's all we really have... Each other.

6. Dusty Kid | Kore
I found out about this track from a German lady I met on Chatroulette. She told me this track was really hot right now in Germany even though it's from '08 and it was '10. Keeping up with the latest tracks is sort of a fool's game. The good ones are immortal. I've dropped this track many a time and typically if the bass is loud enough people start howling. They are just animals responding to the waves, sound is so powerful.
7. Add2Basket vs. Claes Rosen | Volaris
This was one of the first Proggy Beachy Ibizaesque House tracks I ever vibed on. It's so beautiful it reminds me of being in love. It also reminds me of a lot of pain I had to experience because of it, but whether it be pleasure or pain they are flip sides of the same coin... Learning balance as we grow older is hard, but I guess we are all in it together so we can share the collective experience. On a lighter note I'm pretty sure the vocal sample in this is Madonna or at least sounds like it which is so much win.
8. Avror Jvnior | Miley Serious
I usually don't like New School Screw tracks but this girl is amazing. From the South of France and has a Beachy vibe. I dropped this at a block party on the forth of July and people were going bonkers... Party in the USA...

9. Felix Da Housecat | Ready 2 Wear
Felix was one of the first Electronic artists I was into. I actually met him once. He called me Satan, probably due to the goat skull tattoo on my hand. His tracks have been there for me many times. Later I found out he basically doesn't write his music but has producers do it for him. It's kind of a bummer but this song is so fucking good I want to cry. Reminds me of an old friend and a distant lover.
10. Fennesz | Château Rouge
This track reminds me of being on a boat traveling through a beautiful valley in some distant land that looks like Japan. I'll be sitting next to my true love holding hands as we get closer to whatever possible light or darkness lies ahead. This song has brought me peace countless times over when my mind is racing or angry. I think everything is basically made of love somewhere inside, but finding that peace is really hard considering the power of the forces of darkness. They are intimidating but they don't have the fire I have... I mean we have, all together as one.