WARMER MIXTAPES #708 | by Anton Kvashnev [Anton Toshi]
Actually, it’s not easy to answer the question: What are the best 10 tracks of the All Time?... For the past years I have listened to loads and loads of tracks. Some of this Music is Remembered Occasionally, it is being used in some Compositions, Samples, Still Present in the Certain Notes. Very often the choice of a particular track is caused by the Mood and Atmosphere of a Particular Day, Moment in Life. But putting all those Pieces of Emotions Together, into One Puzzle, is a Challenging Task. The Difficulty is in the Fear to Forget Some Important Track and afterwards to Suddenly Remember it and to Regret that you haven’t named this very track that brings Goosebumps. And, who knows, maybe the Track of All Time is not created yet! It is Not Possible to list all tracks and Not To Forget Something and then Regret About it, so I decided to approach this task in a more Simple Way. This is why I decided to Select the Music Spontaneously; to present to you What is in Mind Here and Now. I did not dig Back in my Memory; I’m just naming the tracks that are on the Surface of Now, of the Mood of Today and of the Weather Behind My Window.
1. Étienne De Crécy | Prix Choc
This track takes us back in the 90s – the Time when I started Being Interested in Electronic Music and to Collect Vinyls.
2. Mateo & Matos | Stomp Your Feet
Scotland’s Breathing at the Junction of Two Millenniums.
3. Alex Gopher With Demon Presents WUZ | Use Me
This track brings a Nostalgic Yearning for the Beginning of the 21 Century.
4. a-ha | Forever Not Yours
This song Breaks the Conception that has started to Form with the first three selected tracks, but I Love to listen to it in the Car, when Going out to Nature on a Warm Sunny Summer Day.
5. Jean Jacques Smoothie | 2 People
In 2013 sounds as Fresh as in 2001. Not a lot of Music makes its way through the decades, this is the One that Survived Through Time.

6. GusGus | David (GusGus Original Mix)
This work brought Something New into the House Music of those times. The Bestseller Concept is Skilfully Mastered by the Special Sound of Instruments of GusGus. It worked out well, Dancefloors Were Full!
7. Echomen | Truth
In my opinion, it is a Significant Work of the Progressive House.
8. Rui Da Silva | Touch Me (feat. Cassandra)
This track was of Help at the End of the Party, at 5 a.m., When People Were Falling In Love On The Dancefloor.
9. Mario Basanov & Vidis | I'll Be Gone (feat. Jazzu)
It’s Time to Return to the Present Time, our Retrospective Journey is Over. This is one of those tracks that Got Into My Mind in the year of 2012.
10. Dana Bergquist & Peder G | Survive
This is a Perfect Example of How Harmonic the Bass May Sound in the Contemporary Electronic Music.