WARMER MIXTAPES #865 | by Adorian Robles [SAGE]
1. Toro Y Moi | You Hid
This is the song... This is the song that made me fall in love with Toro Y Moi. Toro Y Moi is the reason how I found my beautiful girlfriend and it is the reason why I started making Music. Without this song many of things wouldn't be happening at this moment... Without this song I wouldn't be who I am right now. I love how the smallest things in Life can later become the things that shape you and that change you.
2. Kurt Ville | Wakin On A Pretty Day
It's a song that brings me up no matter what... It makes me sing along no matter what... And makes me strong no matter what... The guitars and his smooth voice clash so perfect and make you feel so relaxed and feel like no one could stop your day. It makes me feel so positive in Life and always gives me reasons to never give up on Life and never give up in Music as well. There's so many emotions in this song and I am so happy that it is a 9 minute song, because it deserves to show all of its up's and down's and everything else and just hearing the end wants you to go and press the Replay button just one more time to here his voice.
3. Beach Fossils | Daydream
Reminds me of just Skateboarding next to the beach with no shirt on, relaxing then later on the day playing in the water, play in the sand, have fun like a little kid, but at the same time face my problems and act mature and older than what my age is.
4. The Haxan Cloak | The Drop
This song is genius. How it starts off so calm and relaxing that you can even go asleep to it to 2 minutes in to the song it turns into a living hell and I can picture people singing in a fire and hitting there drums worshiping Evil spirits, then later on in the song it gets very emotional, as if someone has died to now knowing what will happen next... Just a great piece of work!
5. King Krule | The Noose Of Jah City
This song reminds me of cold rainy days all alone, waiting for no one, just wondering what will I do in my life when I am 30, who will I be with later on and will I be successful or not... It makes you feel hopeless at times, just how the beat is and the accent he has to sing on this song... It's just so great and emotional at the same time.

6. Baths | Lovely Bloodflow
WOW! That's all I have to say about this song! Just when you hear those cracks and Baths' beautiful voice it makes you fall in love instantly. It's just so great how one guy with one computer can make such a beautiful track that brings out his emotions, all out so strong and deep... I guess it's what makes this a song that will always be beautiful and loving to hear at all times, no matter what.
7. Mac DeMarco | Ode To Viceroy
Oh, God, he is my favorite Indie Rock band for 2012 and I hope for 2013. This song makes you want to stay in bed all day and just relax, watch TV, play Video Games, and make some Music... It's so simple, but it's so understanding and just him talking about his love for his favorite type of cigarette, but making it seem like he is talking about a women makes the song so much better, in my opinion.
8. Toro Y Moi | Talamak
It reminds me of my girlfriend and it's just a great song and, I don't know, it makes me feel that there's always room in Life for Love and never give up because everyone has their own match.
9. Gold Panda | Junk City II
I remember hearing this song the first time when I bought this album. I was like this song sucks! what has happened to Gold Panda?, but, when the song got to the 2 minute mark, it changed and I was so shocked and understood that Gold Panda wanted us to wait for the best part to come, not just hear it from the beginning and already know that it is awesome... That was very smart of him doing that and now it's one of my favorite songs on the album.
10. Deafheaven | Dream House
It is a Black Metal song, it is so dark, but at the same time it is so light it just gives you those memories that were so nice at the moment, but hurt later on in Life... The song gives you the chills at the start, but out of nowhere it gets calm and relaxing. I think that's just how Life is, you have tough times when you're trying to succeed at some thing, but later on you succeed and you feel so great and accomplished.