WARMER MIXTAPES #953 | by Mikael Skråmestø [Adore]
1. James Blake | Retrograde
The only thing for me that even comes close to this song in terms of Production Quality and Sheer Originality would be Overgrown from the same album. James Blake appears so confident in even his most Minimal works. The Strings are so Weird, like two of them struggling for room, I've never heard anything so surreal. Track of the Year for me, no question, no contest.
2. Jon Hopkins | Open Eye Signal
To me his efforts in terms of Beat Production are simply unmatched. I feel like I'm drawn into some sort of Underground Futuristic Atmosphere. The Melody repeats itself, yet the Progression keeps it from not being boring, even for a second. It's Crunchy, it's Tasty, and I like it.
3. Phonat | Machines Do Care
I've never, and I mean never ever, heard such a Clean Producer. I can't possibly fault it in any way. If we were to compare most Electronic Musicians who Sample Vocals... They drop in Reverbs and loud 1/32 HiHats everywhere to hide their shit only for it not to be considered second rate trash... Not this guy though, he's got so much control he doesn't even need to.
4. Disclosure | You & Me (feat. Eliza Doolittle)
Weird Cover Art to catch the Media's Attention, check. Clean Production, Catchy Basslines, and a woman singing about her relationship, check. Unlike a lot of other Artists in this Genre, Disclosure knows how to do Percussion so it doesn't become annoying. Their little clicks and pops don't take over the song, they add to it. They appeal to the average joe, and add a few things in there for more Hardcore Electronic Music fans, here they've found such a beautiful balance likely being the key to their emerging success.
5. Moderat | Bad Kingdom
To me this song speaks about the mistakes we make in Life. When the Strings play out at the end it is reminiscent of going in a perfect Loop, to be stuck there, forever in a place you do not wish to be.

6. Bonobo | Transits (feat. Szjerdene)
It's very different and all so calming to listen to. One of the Coolest Minimalistic Pads I've Ever Had the Pleasure of Hearing. The Vocal is all so soothing and fits it perfectly. Bonobo doesn't use Second Rate Instruments, this is a Musician who believes in taking forever just to find the perfect blend of Sounds.
7. Letherette | After Dawn
This is how you do a song with Funky-vibes without running into Transition clichés. Beautiful Sound Design, I'd be lying if I said I never used this for Inspiration. The song remains true to itself through it's entire course.
8. Phaeleh | So Far Away
This is the sort of Music you can show anyone, who don't even like Electronic Music and they'll more than likely appreciate its inherent Beauty. When songs like this one play in the background, I grow more confident that every struggle in Life is eventually going to work itself out.
9. Drake | Too Much (feat. Sampha)
I never really got into Drake's previous work all that much, but I feel he's truly on the right path this time. The Production is rock solid, Rapping is very clean, and Sampha's Vocals on Loop work all so well. It's about making something of yourself, about making an effort, and how scared we as Humans are to do so.
10. Birdy Nam Nam | Defiant Order
That Bassline is so badass. The entire song is badass. Video is badass. The Electronic Vocals. All of it, really.