WARMER MIXTAPES #1047 | by Adam Redmond (The Captive Hearts), Ben Harrington, James Borland and Paul Hitchen of The Relays
SIDE A | by James Borland
1. The Smiths | Handsome Devil
I was brought up on The Smiths, they were playing everywhere when I was a kid, at home, at my Aunty's, in the car. Hatful Of Hollow is one of the greatest albums ever and Handsome Devil in particular instils so many childhood memories in me, especially being at my Aunty and Uncle's house. He had a Rickenbacker and I thought it was the best thing I had ever seen, my Uncle used to try and teach me Johnny Marr riffs and I'd get really frustrated trying to get my fingers to work.
2. Liam Frost | Sparks
I think Liam Frost is just class, it was nearly impossible for me to choose my favourite track. He's a singer songwriter from Manchester and I've been to see him twice, it was just him and his guitar and it was captivating throughout. His lyrics are heart wrenching, but I also find him very uplifting and positive. I could listen to his albums all day on repeat and can't wait for his new material to come out.
3. Friendly Fires | Paris
A few winters ago we had really heavy snow and I was due to go on the first date with my (now) fiancée, nerve-wracking! We met at a pub halfway between our houses and walked it because driving was impossible. This turned out to be a blessing because we got really pissed and I walked her home, sharing an earphone a piece and dancing down the street in the snow to this tune.
4. Green Day | Uptight
I went through the teenage hoody and baggy jeans phase and Green Day were my favourite band for years. I had a Nimrod hoody and my mates used to take the piss out of me constantly but I still wore it all the time.
5. The Strokes | Last Night
Myself and my mate danced like mad drunken fools to this in the pouring rain at Leeds Festival in 2001 in just our t-shirts and shorts (probably annoying everyone stood near us) and it was just one of those giddy moments I'll always remember when I hear this song.

6. The National | Bloodbuzz Ohio
My fiancée bought me tickets to see The National in Krakow, Poland, not long after we had met and I just thought it was the most fantastic present ever. I only realised as we set off that it was February and it was 10 degrees C in Poland and I had only took a flimsy little jacket, it was absolutely freezing, but very funny! Matt Berninger has a thing of walking through the crowd as he is singing so I pushed through the crowd and gave him a rub on the head which my fiancée thought was hilarious... There's my little claim to fame for you.
7. Oasis | (It's Good) To Be Free
I spent everyday, hours and hours in my bedroom as a 12-year-old boy strumming away to Oasis songs (much to the annoyance of my neighbours). This tune has got massive attitude and personally I think it's as cool as they come.
8. Groove Armada | Superstylin'
I went through a phase of a year or two of going to Sankeys Soap in Manchester with my mates every other weekend. This was before it was done up and it was stripped back brick walls, felt a bit dirty and everyone was just there for the tunes. It was my 21st birthday on this particular night we went down to Sankeys not knowing who were on and walked in and Groove Armada were on doing a full set complete with a full live percussion section. It was phenomenal!
9. Biffy Clyro | Kids From Kibble And The Fist Of Light
For me this song sums up Biffy: earsplitting horrendous Heavy Metal noise turning into a beautiful harmonic ballad and back again in the space of 3 minutes 54 seconds. I instantly loved Biffy from when I heard the song 57 when their first album Blackened Sky came out. I've jumped around many a front room to this song.
10. The Chemical Brothers | Star Guitar
I love all kinds of guitar music, but didn't really know what Dance and Electronic Music was all about until I heard The Chemical Bros. This song and the Come With Us album was all I listened to for a good while when it came out in 2002. I was 18 years old and played it at every party I went to and probably danced like a dick. The video to this song is also fantastic, it's just a train journey, but the landmarks are perfectly synced with the beats of the song, a really simple but effective idea.
SIDE B | by Adam Redmond
1. The Velvet Underground | Heroin
Atmospherically the most thought-conjuring song ever. It puts me in the shoes of an addict (Lou Reed) who couldn't give a fuck about anything else in the world. Actually makes you feel as high as a kite.
2. Oasis | Columbia
The tune of all tunes to make you feel on top of the world. And to listen to when you feel on top of the world. The number one pre-gig anthem.
3. Lou Reed | NYC Man
There have been loads of songs about New York, but this is the one for me. This one's about being from New York and not being anything special. I've watched it in movies, on TV and read about it in magazines, but I've never actually been to the place. I trust Lou Reed, I don't know why but I do.
4. The Beatles | The Long And Winding Road
Effortless melodies and flowing lyrics. This is emotive Pop Music at its greatest. It sounds like The Beatles saying goodbye and probably is.
5. The Elgins | Heaven Must Have Sent You
Holds a strong personal sentimentality to me. My Dad died last year and this was his tune.

6. Bob Marley & The Wailers | No Woman, No Cry (Legend Live Version)
Reminds me not of Jamaica but of queuing in Al's Kebabs in Wigan at 4am. This song was on repeat from 2001 'til 2010. I watched The Wailers support The Stone Roses in Manchester last year and they were the tightest, most harmonically perfect band I've ever seen.
7. Neil Young | Heart Of Gold
Pretty tough picking the best tune off Harvest. This is maybe it though. That album is ridiculous. Apparently they met the bass player walking down the street and just went back and recorded the basic tracks for the album the same night. Everything from the lyrics to the lap steel, if you close your eyes, you're in a barn in Tennessee.
8. Fleetwood Mac | Go Your Own Way
Timeless. I was having a party at my old flat when I first heard this. Everyone was fucked, lying on couches and floors and we had all the windows wide open and it was coming light. It was on full and everyone was singing and smiling. It reminds me of when total chaos is combined with unity.
9. The Kinks | Waterloo Sunset
This one takes me back to when I fist started going out with my friends aged 16. We used to put this on the pub jukebox every Friday and Saturday night before we went into town. I can taste Jack Daniels and sick when I hear it. Plus it's the greatest Love song ever written.
10. The La's | There She Goes
As far as Indie Pop goes, there are three songs I wish I'd written. Don't Look Back In Anger, Mr. Brightside and this. And some Strokes tracks, plus the complete Oasis back catalogue and Bitter Sweet Symphony. But I'm going with this.
SIDE C | by Ben Harrington
1. Radiohead | Reckoner
I remember first hearing this track and turning it off pretty much straight away and not giving it a listen, the first time I actually heard this track was when I watched them play Leeds Festival in 2009. The guitar was so angelic and Thom Yorke’s vocals came in. I remember looking around and there were people just lying on the floor, looking up and listening to this tune. It was such a surreal moment and it's a feeling I'll never forget.
2. Arcade Fire | Rebellion (Lies)
I’d never really heard of Arcade Fire until The Suburbs, but I remember being really excited with my first listen. Ever since I've been hooked, I've seen them live a few times and when they played this it was the most energetic and most fun to listen to.
3. The Maccabees | Wall Of Arms
I used to dislike The Maccabees until a friend of mine constantly pushed me to listen to them, I started off with songs like William Powers and No Kind Words. This is such a beautiful and honest track, one of my absolute favourites.
4. Radiohead | There There
This was the track that initially got me into Radiohead, I remember sitting in my Mum's car, and she played Hail To The Thief, I just remembered the pounding drums that ran through the track and every time we went anywhere, I always requested That track with the drums in. When I learned the name of the track, I went home and pretty much found their entire back catalogue utterly attractive. This was the track that started everything off for me, pretty much.
5. Bon Iver | Wash
It's extremely difficult to name my favourite Bon Iver track, I've always loved Justin Vernon's music, he's one of the most underrated musicians on the planet. Though this track is simple on piano, it's delicacy is heavenly, one of my favourites to play on piano, along with I Can't Make You Love Me... The cover he performed by Bonnie Raitt is another firm favourite with me along with many others.

6. Foals | Olympic Airways
Again I couldn't name my absolute favourite Foals track, there are too many to choose from. I love pretty much everything they've done. This track reminds me a lot of being young, being pissed and being with friends. Long summer days in the Garswood Cornfields with plenty of Cider to accompany this perfect tune.
7. Babyshambles | Carry On Up The Morning
Love Pete, love Babyshambles! This tune is absolutely classic. Pete Doherty, again to me, is another one of the world's most underrated musicians. His guitar playing is outstanding, this track is a perfect example of that scruffy-yet-unforgettable guitar playing, licks and riffs that sound like they're almost there by accident, yet sound so perfect. Good tune to play at parties when everyone's seen better days.
8. Wild Cub | Thunder Clatter
I first heard this track on the television, it was a BOSE advert I think. I remember spending months with my girlfriend trying to find this track, and one day when we were driving somewhere she put it on without telling me she'd found it, it's been ages since I've really enjoyed finding a new tune and a new band, I was absolutely ecstatic. A lovely song and lovely to share a listen.
9. Editors | Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors
This is one of my firm favourites, from one of my firm favourite bands. This is quite a strange song, the lyrics being so sad, yet still being absolutely beautiful. I read a review once in the NME about this song it said in short Editors have found their life force in death itself. Such a true statement, a fantastic song from a fantastic band.
10. Bruce Springsteen | Thunder Road
This track was played along with many others by him constantly throughout my childhood and adolescence. Both parents are huge fans of Bruce, fans enough that they were able to convert me into one when I came of age. I've since listened to pretty much all of Bruce's back catalogue. Once again I could never choose my favourite Springsteen track; there’s a mash up of I’m On Fire, Born To Run, Dancing In The Dark and Glory Days. Thunder Road reminds me of being a child every time I listen to it.
SIDE D | by Paul Hitchen
1. The Cribs | Be Safe
My favourite song by my favourite band of all time, bar none. When I first got the album, I would always skip this one – it just didn't seem to fit with the rest of the album, which is as Pop orientated as guitar music can get in my eyes, and it wasn't one of the singles or anything. I think it was after seeing it played live though that it just blew me away - the insanely depressing spoken word parts by Lee Ranaldo, followed by one of the most uplifting choruses I've ever heard. I will never get tired of listening to this.
2. Arcade Fire | Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Just picking one song off Funeral seems like an impossible task, given its shocking beauty – it’s aged incredibly well being as its nearly 10 years old too. However one track in particular, Tunnels, is again everything that makes a great Arcade Fire song, and that’s saying something. Win Butler is almost on the verge of tears by the time the final Woahs kick in, screaming lyrics about childhood innocence lost, and I can’t blame him. One of the best songs ever performed live too – it takes on a life of its own.
3. Bloc Party | Like Eating Glass
I am a firm believer that the first track on an album can make or break the entire affair, and Bloc Party absolutely nailed that here. Everything is a perfect build – the delayed guitar, an almost unbearably tight baseline, the punishing drums, recorded so crystal, and to top it off some of the most poetic lyrics Okereke has ever written.
4. The Chemical Brothers | Hey Boy Hey Girl
This is a special one to me as it’s the first cassette single (remember those?) I ever bought when I was about 10. It just sounded so far ahead of anything else around at that time! But it’s also a perfectly structured Dance track in its own right– the way it constantly twists and turns and rises and drops has meant it’s been on repeat for me ever since.
5. Destiny's Child | Say My Name (Cyril Hahn Remix)
Taking an uber – cheesy Pop song and making it sound like the darkest thing you have ever heard cannot be an easy task, however Cyril Hahn seems to be making a habit out of it. However by bypassing the Pop element of the original and giving it a makeover of shadowy urban nights, it truly highlights what the song is about – a couple falling out of Love.

6. Arctic Monkeys | I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
An obvious choice maybe, but what a song. The machine gun snares, absolutely hammered power chords, lyrics about trying (and failing) to pull – this was the call to arms in Indie clubs in ’06. If one song ever took me back to being 17, wasted, and ready to keep the night going until tomorrow, it’s this. It’s almost comical to look at them now and see them as even the same band, but this made thousands of people truly believe that 4 ordinary lads could make a racket with guitars and conquer the world. It still sounds as vital today as it ever did.
7. Death Cab For Cutie | Brothers On A Hotel Bed
Like everything from Death Cab For Cutie, and Ben Gibbard in particular, so effortlessly played, and so beautifully understated. A lot of Death Cab songs deal with the concepts of Distance and Change, if not physical then metaphorical, and this song, for me, is the perfect example of that. Gibbard is a criminally underrated lyricist too!!
8. The Smiths | The Queen Is Dead
Again it seems almost futile to pick just one song from a band like The Smiths, but maybe it’s back the old first track on the album factor that just edges it for me – this is just The Smiths at their most unstoppable - Morrissey at his most acid tongued and neurotic, taking aim at the Royal family, the Church, and anyone else that has dared upset him . Props should go to Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce on this song too, easily one of The Smiths best rhythm section performances.
9. Interpol | Not Even Jail
Again another shockingly underrated band, Interpol went through a phase of bearing the Alternative torch for NYC from about 2002 'til 2004. I went to see them live in 2007 and, not expecting anything spectacular, I was absolutely blown away by them – this song as a centrepiece stood out massively too. I love the calming way in which Paul Banks delivers the verses, shrouded in his usual lyrical obscurity, and it also has one of my favourite basslines ever – so simple but effective.
10. Yeah Yeah Yeahs | Maps
To put it simply, one of the best songs about longing and heartbreak ever written – the lyrics were written by Karen O when her former partner was leaving to go on tour with his band, and I just think the line Wait… They don’t love you like I love you is so powerful, something that we can all relate to at some point in our lives. Nick Zinner is a genius on guitar though – His wiry, Punk style is always something that stands out a mile whenever you hear them.
1. The Smiths | Handsome Devil
I was brought up on The Smiths, they were playing everywhere when I was a kid, at home, at my Aunty's, in the car. Hatful Of Hollow is one of the greatest albums ever and Handsome Devil in particular instils so many childhood memories in me, especially being at my Aunty and Uncle's house. He had a Rickenbacker and I thought it was the best thing I had ever seen, my Uncle used to try and teach me Johnny Marr riffs and I'd get really frustrated trying to get my fingers to work.
2. Liam Frost | Sparks
I think Liam Frost is just class, it was nearly impossible for me to choose my favourite track. He's a singer songwriter from Manchester and I've been to see him twice, it was just him and his guitar and it was captivating throughout. His lyrics are heart wrenching, but I also find him very uplifting and positive. I could listen to his albums all day on repeat and can't wait for his new material to come out.
3. Friendly Fires | Paris
A few winters ago we had really heavy snow and I was due to go on the first date with my (now) fiancée, nerve-wracking! We met at a pub halfway between our houses and walked it because driving was impossible. This turned out to be a blessing because we got really pissed and I walked her home, sharing an earphone a piece and dancing down the street in the snow to this tune.
4. Green Day | Uptight
I went through the teenage hoody and baggy jeans phase and Green Day were my favourite band for years. I had a Nimrod hoody and my mates used to take the piss out of me constantly but I still wore it all the time.
5. The Strokes | Last Night
Myself and my mate danced like mad drunken fools to this in the pouring rain at Leeds Festival in 2001 in just our t-shirts and shorts (probably annoying everyone stood near us) and it was just one of those giddy moments I'll always remember when I hear this song.

6. The National | Bloodbuzz Ohio
My fiancée bought me tickets to see The National in Krakow, Poland, not long after we had met and I just thought it was the most fantastic present ever. I only realised as we set off that it was February and it was 10 degrees C in Poland and I had only took a flimsy little jacket, it was absolutely freezing, but very funny! Matt Berninger has a thing of walking through the crowd as he is singing so I pushed through the crowd and gave him a rub on the head which my fiancée thought was hilarious... There's my little claim to fame for you.
7. Oasis | (It's Good) To Be Free
I spent everyday, hours and hours in my bedroom as a 12-year-old boy strumming away to Oasis songs (much to the annoyance of my neighbours). This tune has got massive attitude and personally I think it's as cool as they come.
8. Groove Armada | Superstylin'
I went through a phase of a year or two of going to Sankeys Soap in Manchester with my mates every other weekend. This was before it was done up and it was stripped back brick walls, felt a bit dirty and everyone was just there for the tunes. It was my 21st birthday on this particular night we went down to Sankeys not knowing who were on and walked in and Groove Armada were on doing a full set complete with a full live percussion section. It was phenomenal!
9. Biffy Clyro | Kids From Kibble And The Fist Of Light
For me this song sums up Biffy: earsplitting horrendous Heavy Metal noise turning into a beautiful harmonic ballad and back again in the space of 3 minutes 54 seconds. I instantly loved Biffy from when I heard the song 57 when their first album Blackened Sky came out. I've jumped around many a front room to this song.
10. The Chemical Brothers | Star Guitar
I love all kinds of guitar music, but didn't really know what Dance and Electronic Music was all about until I heard The Chemical Bros. This song and the Come With Us album was all I listened to for a good while when it came out in 2002. I was 18 years old and played it at every party I went to and probably danced like a dick. The video to this song is also fantastic, it's just a train journey, but the landmarks are perfectly synced with the beats of the song, a really simple but effective idea.

1. The Velvet Underground | Heroin
Atmospherically the most thought-conjuring song ever. It puts me in the shoes of an addict (Lou Reed) who couldn't give a fuck about anything else in the world. Actually makes you feel as high as a kite.
2. Oasis | Columbia
The tune of all tunes to make you feel on top of the world. And to listen to when you feel on top of the world. The number one pre-gig anthem.
3. Lou Reed | NYC Man
There have been loads of songs about New York, but this is the one for me. This one's about being from New York and not being anything special. I've watched it in movies, on TV and read about it in magazines, but I've never actually been to the place. I trust Lou Reed, I don't know why but I do.
4. The Beatles | The Long And Winding Road
Effortless melodies and flowing lyrics. This is emotive Pop Music at its greatest. It sounds like The Beatles saying goodbye and probably is.
5. The Elgins | Heaven Must Have Sent You
Holds a strong personal sentimentality to me. My Dad died last year and this was his tune.

6. Bob Marley & The Wailers | No Woman, No Cry (Legend Live Version)
Reminds me not of Jamaica but of queuing in Al's Kebabs in Wigan at 4am. This song was on repeat from 2001 'til 2010. I watched The Wailers support The Stone Roses in Manchester last year and they were the tightest, most harmonically perfect band I've ever seen.
7. Neil Young | Heart Of Gold
Pretty tough picking the best tune off Harvest. This is maybe it though. That album is ridiculous. Apparently they met the bass player walking down the street and just went back and recorded the basic tracks for the album the same night. Everything from the lyrics to the lap steel, if you close your eyes, you're in a barn in Tennessee.
8. Fleetwood Mac | Go Your Own Way
Timeless. I was having a party at my old flat when I first heard this. Everyone was fucked, lying on couches and floors and we had all the windows wide open and it was coming light. It was on full and everyone was singing and smiling. It reminds me of when total chaos is combined with unity.
9. The Kinks | Waterloo Sunset
This one takes me back to when I fist started going out with my friends aged 16. We used to put this on the pub jukebox every Friday and Saturday night before we went into town. I can taste Jack Daniels and sick when I hear it. Plus it's the greatest Love song ever written.
10. The La's | There She Goes
As far as Indie Pop goes, there are three songs I wish I'd written. Don't Look Back In Anger, Mr. Brightside and this. And some Strokes tracks, plus the complete Oasis back catalogue and Bitter Sweet Symphony. But I'm going with this.

1. Radiohead | Reckoner
I remember first hearing this track and turning it off pretty much straight away and not giving it a listen, the first time I actually heard this track was when I watched them play Leeds Festival in 2009. The guitar was so angelic and Thom Yorke’s vocals came in. I remember looking around and there were people just lying on the floor, looking up and listening to this tune. It was such a surreal moment and it's a feeling I'll never forget.
2. Arcade Fire | Rebellion (Lies)
I’d never really heard of Arcade Fire until The Suburbs, but I remember being really excited with my first listen. Ever since I've been hooked, I've seen them live a few times and when they played this it was the most energetic and most fun to listen to.
3. The Maccabees | Wall Of Arms
I used to dislike The Maccabees until a friend of mine constantly pushed me to listen to them, I started off with songs like William Powers and No Kind Words. This is such a beautiful and honest track, one of my absolute favourites.
4. Radiohead | There There
This was the track that initially got me into Radiohead, I remember sitting in my Mum's car, and she played Hail To The Thief, I just remembered the pounding drums that ran through the track and every time we went anywhere, I always requested That track with the drums in. When I learned the name of the track, I went home and pretty much found their entire back catalogue utterly attractive. This was the track that started everything off for me, pretty much.
5. Bon Iver | Wash
It's extremely difficult to name my favourite Bon Iver track, I've always loved Justin Vernon's music, he's one of the most underrated musicians on the planet. Though this track is simple on piano, it's delicacy is heavenly, one of my favourites to play on piano, along with I Can't Make You Love Me... The cover he performed by Bonnie Raitt is another firm favourite with me along with many others.

6. Foals | Olympic Airways
Again I couldn't name my absolute favourite Foals track, there are too many to choose from. I love pretty much everything they've done. This track reminds me a lot of being young, being pissed and being with friends. Long summer days in the Garswood Cornfields with plenty of Cider to accompany this perfect tune.
7. Babyshambles | Carry On Up The Morning
Love Pete, love Babyshambles! This tune is absolutely classic. Pete Doherty, again to me, is another one of the world's most underrated musicians. His guitar playing is outstanding, this track is a perfect example of that scruffy-yet-unforgettable guitar playing, licks and riffs that sound like they're almost there by accident, yet sound so perfect. Good tune to play at parties when everyone's seen better days.
8. Wild Cub | Thunder Clatter
I first heard this track on the television, it was a BOSE advert I think. I remember spending months with my girlfriend trying to find this track, and one day when we were driving somewhere she put it on without telling me she'd found it, it's been ages since I've really enjoyed finding a new tune and a new band, I was absolutely ecstatic. A lovely song and lovely to share a listen.
9. Editors | Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors
This is one of my firm favourites, from one of my firm favourite bands. This is quite a strange song, the lyrics being so sad, yet still being absolutely beautiful. I read a review once in the NME about this song it said in short Editors have found their life force in death itself. Such a true statement, a fantastic song from a fantastic band.
10. Bruce Springsteen | Thunder Road
This track was played along with many others by him constantly throughout my childhood and adolescence. Both parents are huge fans of Bruce, fans enough that they were able to convert me into one when I came of age. I've since listened to pretty much all of Bruce's back catalogue. Once again I could never choose my favourite Springsteen track; there’s a mash up of I’m On Fire, Born To Run, Dancing In The Dark and Glory Days. Thunder Road reminds me of being a child every time I listen to it.

1. The Cribs | Be Safe
My favourite song by my favourite band of all time, bar none. When I first got the album, I would always skip this one – it just didn't seem to fit with the rest of the album, which is as Pop orientated as guitar music can get in my eyes, and it wasn't one of the singles or anything. I think it was after seeing it played live though that it just blew me away - the insanely depressing spoken word parts by Lee Ranaldo, followed by one of the most uplifting choruses I've ever heard. I will never get tired of listening to this.
2. Arcade Fire | Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Just picking one song off Funeral seems like an impossible task, given its shocking beauty – it’s aged incredibly well being as its nearly 10 years old too. However one track in particular, Tunnels, is again everything that makes a great Arcade Fire song, and that’s saying something. Win Butler is almost on the verge of tears by the time the final Woahs kick in, screaming lyrics about childhood innocence lost, and I can’t blame him. One of the best songs ever performed live too – it takes on a life of its own.
3. Bloc Party | Like Eating Glass
I am a firm believer that the first track on an album can make or break the entire affair, and Bloc Party absolutely nailed that here. Everything is a perfect build – the delayed guitar, an almost unbearably tight baseline, the punishing drums, recorded so crystal, and to top it off some of the most poetic lyrics Okereke has ever written.
4. The Chemical Brothers | Hey Boy Hey Girl
This is a special one to me as it’s the first cassette single (remember those?) I ever bought when I was about 10. It just sounded so far ahead of anything else around at that time! But it’s also a perfectly structured Dance track in its own right– the way it constantly twists and turns and rises and drops has meant it’s been on repeat for me ever since.
5. Destiny's Child | Say My Name (Cyril Hahn Remix)
Taking an uber – cheesy Pop song and making it sound like the darkest thing you have ever heard cannot be an easy task, however Cyril Hahn seems to be making a habit out of it. However by bypassing the Pop element of the original and giving it a makeover of shadowy urban nights, it truly highlights what the song is about – a couple falling out of Love.

6. Arctic Monkeys | I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
An obvious choice maybe, but what a song. The machine gun snares, absolutely hammered power chords, lyrics about trying (and failing) to pull – this was the call to arms in Indie clubs in ’06. If one song ever took me back to being 17, wasted, and ready to keep the night going until tomorrow, it’s this. It’s almost comical to look at them now and see them as even the same band, but this made thousands of people truly believe that 4 ordinary lads could make a racket with guitars and conquer the world. It still sounds as vital today as it ever did.
7. Death Cab For Cutie | Brothers On A Hotel Bed
Like everything from Death Cab For Cutie, and Ben Gibbard in particular, so effortlessly played, and so beautifully understated. A lot of Death Cab songs deal with the concepts of Distance and Change, if not physical then metaphorical, and this song, for me, is the perfect example of that. Gibbard is a criminally underrated lyricist too!!
8. The Smiths | The Queen Is Dead
Again it seems almost futile to pick just one song from a band like The Smiths, but maybe it’s back the old first track on the album factor that just edges it for me – this is just The Smiths at their most unstoppable - Morrissey at his most acid tongued and neurotic, taking aim at the Royal family, the Church, and anyone else that has dared upset him . Props should go to Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce on this song too, easily one of The Smiths best rhythm section performances.
9. Interpol | Not Even Jail
Again another shockingly underrated band, Interpol went through a phase of bearing the Alternative torch for NYC from about 2002 'til 2004. I went to see them live in 2007 and, not expecting anything spectacular, I was absolutely blown away by them – this song as a centrepiece stood out massively too. I love the calming way in which Paul Banks delivers the verses, shrouded in his usual lyrical obscurity, and it also has one of my favourite basslines ever – so simple but effective.
10. Yeah Yeah Yeahs | Maps
To put it simply, one of the best songs about longing and heartbreak ever written – the lyrics were written by Karen O when her former partner was leaving to go on tour with his band, and I just think the line Wait… They don’t love you like I love you is so powerful, something that we can all relate to at some point in our lives. Nick Zinner is a genius on guitar though – His wiry, Punk style is always something that stands out a mile whenever you hear them.