WARMER MIXTAPES #1121 | by Daniel Bruin [Skit]
1. Burial | Etched Headplate
This song is the one that every time I hear it I think about what I was doing when I first heard it, I was round a friend's house after a club night at like 4am and someone was just playing loads of Burial tunes one after the other and this one got stuck in my head for days. Probably still my favourite Burial tune.
2. Brand New | Soco Amaretto Lime
My best friend during School was a huge Brand New fan, so he was always playing their records any chance he had and this is the one that brings back the most memories for me. It reminds me of being 14-15, skating around everywhere and smoking weed with my best friends and not worrying about anything.
3. The Cure | Burn (The Crow Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
I heard this song for the first time when I was watching Brandon Lee's The Crow with a girl I had a crush on when I was like 12 or 13, so it always reminds me of that.
4. Alexisonfire | Accidents
I got Watch Out! album for Christmas when I was 14 because I had seen one of their Music Videos on TV and really liked it and back then the only way to hear more of the artist was to buy their album. This was the first track on the album and i's still remained one of my favourite songs ever, it was like the Rock records I had heard before and liked, but a lot more emotional and melodic which I loved.
5. Papa Roach | Between Angels And Insects
When I was in School every year me and some friends would form a band and play this song at our School's Talent Show. It was weird because there was only like 2 bands that played anything remotely heavy and the rest was girls singing or people dancing.

6. Mala | Alicia
This was the first tune I heard that got me into Mala and last New Year's Eve I got to hear it played out on a sound system for the first time while I was surrounded by a close group of my friends. It was magic.
7. Danny Brown | Generation Rx
This tune's crazy because all of the stuff he's talking about in this track is so real. It's basically talking about a generation of people growing up addicted to drugs, but his lyrics are really deep.
8. Clams Casino | Wassup
Before I heard this song I was a straight up and down 140 producer and didn't really produce anything that wasn't chilled out Dubstep, but this completely blew my mind when I heard it because it sounded similar to the Dubstep and Garage that I liked. It had that depth and moodiness to it that I really loved, but it was so different to anything I had heard before and it was really this tune that made me search out more Experimental Hip Hop and Electronic Music and made me switch up my own Production style as well.
9. Tears For Fears | Sowing The Seeds Of Love
I used to fucking hate this song when I was younger because my dad played it one time when we were driving through France about 20 times in one day, but as I got older I realised that this is a banger and has some good memories attached to it now.
10. Relay & Front | Your Smile
This is my favourite Drum And Bass track of all time. When I first heard this song I was so overwhelmed by the emotion and the melodies in it and still when I listen to it now I get that same feeling I did the first time I listened to it. It just sounds like floating through Space, you have to listen to it to understand what I mean.