WARMER MIXTAPES #1222 | by Rob Cameron (Second Family, EEEK!), Daniel Ruiz (DruiZ, Aunts And Uncles, Synthcake, White Blood Cells, we just stole a car, Sorry Buttons, Like Animals Again, Slight Birching, Half Chinese), Andrew Janczewski (Second Family) & Tristan Orchard (DBL Dragon) of BESTiE
SIDE A | by Tristan Orchard
1. Deftones | Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away) (Acoustic)
I don't really listen to Deftones at all but somehow stumbled on this Acoustic version which flips it from being a really heavy song into something the complete opposite. I love the Warmness to it, the crackles, the Lo-Fi-ness of it. I have it connected in my head to a Summertime memory of an oceanside cabin on Hornby Island, one of the gulf islands that's a few hours travel from Vancouver that is my favourite place in the World. It's night time and it's warm and I'm with good people.
2. Justin Bieber | All That Matters
This song is currently stuck in my head and on repeat.
3. Roy Orbison | Crying
4. Usher | Climax
This is one of my favourite songs. The vocal melodies in are amazing. I remember being in awe of them and thinking it was the hardest song ever to sing. I use it to warm up my vocals before shows.
5. Todd Terje | Inspector Norse
There's a short film documentary about this song called Whateverest which details this guy's who the song is about, who makes this homemade drug out of household chemicals and gets really high. He's also an artist and does this piece he calls No Bad Days which is the inspiration for our album title.
6. Best Coast | Bratty B
Best Coast's Crazy For You album got me through a break up and this is my favourite song from it.

7. Björk | Hunter
In my second year of University, I took half the year off and went back packing in Europe. I was on a ferry leaving Turkey for the Greek Islands and this song was playing and I have that moment locked in my head.
8. The Beach Boys | Good Vibrations
Before I was old enough to choose Music to listen to, I would listen to a lot of The Beach Boys that my dad would play. I love this song. It's perfect. It embodies everything all at once. The harmonies, the production, the instrumentation.
9. Monie Love | It's A Shame (My Sister)
One of my biggest pet peeves is having a song in your head but no idea what it is or how to find. When I was really young this song was on the 90's US TV show In Living Colour which was a personal favourite. They used to have these dancing parts of the show for the intro and before it would go to commercial and JLo was one of them, LOL. It was super badass. They played this song. Maybe 15 years later, working as a DJ, I was digging for vinyl at a shop and speaking with a DJ who had been playing for a while and hummed the melody and he knew the song! Then I had to find it and ordered three different versions of it as it turned out the version I had heard was only on the 7" single.
10. Miguel | Sure Thing
This is basically the sexiest song ever written. I want to cover this song, but the rest of the band won't do it because they have black hearts. I hate them.
+11. Drake | Best I Ever Had
About a year ago I needed to get out of town and convinced my best friend to travel down to Portland with me to hang with some band friends we have down there. We didn't really plan anything and just winged it. We ended up camping in the middle of nowhere on the coast on a beach and doing some psychedelics. At a certain point I swear thought we were being visited by aliens but it turned out it was the US Coast Guard and they were watching us with this night vision infrared light for 30 minutes from a boat. They finally left after deeming that us foreigners weren't a threat. We had this little tiny speaker thing and this song played.
SIDE B | by Daniel Ruiz
1. Lucho Bermúdez y Su Orquesta | Arroz Con Coco
I love this song because it not only has my grandfather singing on it, but it also is one of the funnest Cumbias from the great Lucho Bermúdez. I always want to dance to this and sing along.
2. Charles Mingus | Cumbia & Jazz Fusion
This song made me want to study Music, it especially gave me a great perspective and made want to study the Jazz idiom in the drumset. It blends Cumbia Music with rainforest sounds that transcends into an epic Charles Mingus Jazz composition, which involves a very inspired performance with the uniqueness of his writing.
3. Queen | Don't Stop Me Now
Queen is one of the best bands of all time, their 1988 Live Aid performance is by far the best live set ever! Ha. Don't Stop Me Now is an excellent crafted tune that just gets more epic as it progresses, it is not an epic over played Bohemian Rhapsody, but also it's not just a simple Pop tune. Plus it is about having a good time!
4. Tony Allen | Jakelewah
Afrobeat at its finest, by Fela Kuti's drummer; a very amazing musician. This tune like most of his others, has a great message, a cool arrangement with really interesting polyrhythms and a great musical craftsmanship.
5. Radiohead | 15 Step
In Rainbows is in my opinion Radiohead's best album to date. It incorporates a solid intricacy of really Experimental writing with an unique Pop sensibility. I could choose pretty much every song of this album, but I went with 15 Step because it's in 5 or 10 or 15, whatever you want to see it as.

6. The Meters | Tippi Toes
The guitar riff on this song is basically what draws me in, it is so creamy and catchy, for me The Meters will always be an inspiration to Funk and R&B.
7. Daft Punk | Contact
Although Random Access Memories is a new album, it really caught my attention, it blends Electronic sounds with an amazing Live studio band. When I first heard the last song of the album, Contact, I thought it was a perfect way to end it, because of its climactic nature. Also shout out to Giorgio By Moroder and Motherboard from the same album.
8. King Crimson | Indiscipline
This song has one of the most epic drum buildups with a very wacky riff and super intricate storyline. To be honest ever since I heard it I have been a huge Bill Bruford fan.
9. Holy Fuck | Super Inuit
This band is awesome, and they play and amazing live show, full of energy and great upbeat tunes. This song to me is the amalgamation of High Energy sweat drenched super good times, and it's all condensed into one song. Great tune to get work done to.
10. Return To Forever | Captain Senor Mouse (feat. Chick Corea)
This song is very intense, and it's from the 70's Jazz Fusion era, very challenging and performed with pristine precision. I am not the biggest Chick Corea fan, but this song in particular gets me every time, I love it!
SIDE C | by Andrew Janczewski
1. Art Ensemble Of Chicago | Thème De Yoyo
I don't know what you would call this kind of Jazz, but it's fantastic. Very raw and stripped down, with a great groove. Whoever recorded this really found an amazing sound for the band. The song is taken from an album called Les Stances A Sophie, which I found through Soul Jazz Records. A really wonderful label that generally focuses on re-issuing albums or genre compilations of older Music. I got into them when following my love of Jamaican Music. I highly recommend checking them out.
2. Lokonon André & Les Volcans | Mi Kple Dogbekpo
I came across this track not that long ago on a compilation record called African Scream Contest on the Analogue Africa label. I really love older African Pop Music. You can often hear an influence from the Popular Western Music of whatever time it was recorded, but they take it somewhere else with unique approaches to rhythm and melody. I'm often fascinated by African guitar players, but this song has a great vocal melody.
3. Loose Joints | Is It All Over My Face (Female Vocal)
Tristan turned me on to this song and it's now one of my favorites. It's Disco, from the Disco era, but completely stripped of any of the saccharine, lush production and instrumentation often associated with the genre. Guitar, bass, drums, Rhodes piano and a superb vocal line. Just an amazing song.
4. George Harrison | Wah-Wah
I had never listened to George Harrison's All Things Must Pass album until a friend gave it to my girlfriend a while ago. The whole triple album is amazing. I could have chosen many of the songs from it, but I like this one too, so here you go.
5. Freddie Scott | (You) Got What I Need
Not much to say about this one, just a solid old R&B song. It's the basis for the Biz Markie classic Just A Friend.

6. A Certain Ratio | Do The Du (Casse)
Here's a really danceable Post-Punk, Punk-Funk kind of thing that I always come back to. I really like ACR. The late 70s/early 80s seemed like a very interesting time for Underground Dance Music, with disparate worlds coming together. Punk influenced white kids from Manchester adopting New York dance styles and Martin Hannet producing ESG.
7. David Bowie | Word On A Wing
I love, love, love David Bowie. This is from the Station To Station album, which I think stands up alongside the three Berlin albums that came immediately after (pretty much everything he did in the 70s is incredible). What gets me about this song is his vocal delivery. It might equal his singing on Heroes.
8. Hannah Epperson & Oh No! Yoko | Soft Shoulder
This is a collaboration between some friends of ours and produced by Howard Redekopp, with whom we worked on our album. A group of very talented people all around. We were there when Howard played them the first mix, and I remember being blown away when Hannah comes in with the hook. It arrives out of left field and is beautiful.
9. Peter Tosh | I Am That I Am
I'm a big fan of Jamaican Music from the 60s and 70s. A small island that produced a disproportionate amount of staggeringly good Music. My mom had Peter Tosh's Equal Rights album on tape when I was a kid and now I have it on vinyl. Maybe that's why I like that album and this song so much. Thematically, it's pretty classic Peter Tosh, but the simplicity of the lyrics and melody in the chorus really stand out for me.
10. Portishead | The Rip
This is from the album Third. Beth Gibbons has the most amazing, haunting voice. I love the way this song slowly builds, but still remains perfectly understated. Also, I'm fascinated by songs that never deviate from one chord progression but don't feel at all repetitive (Gut Feeling by Devo, Radiohead's The National Anthem). I hope to write one at some point.
SIDE D | by Rob Cameron
1. Joni Mitchell | All I Want
I had a turntable in my room when I was a teenager in the late 90s. I would fall asleep listening to my mom's copy of Blue. Anytime I hear any of the songs off that record it makes me think of home and my mom. Like a safety blanket for my ears.
2. The Strokes | Under Control
I was really into The Strokes around the time I first started playing Music with a few of my best friends. It was a great period in my life and this brings me back there. It makes me think of riding around in a minivan blasting tunes. Drinking beers and cheap wine in the driveway with the garage door open, taking a break in between trying to make up songs.
3. Born Ruffians | This Sentence Will Ruin/Save Your Life
Whole album... The first time my friend Simon played me this song it blew my mind. Again in the mini van. Some good tunes in that van. Born Ruffians are still one of my favourite bands 7 years later. The EP this song is off of would be on my top 10 album list if one existed. Simon is still one of my best friends in the world as well. Longevity, that's what's up.
4. Animal Collective | Fireworks
Animal Collective helped change the way I thought about Music. Strawberry Jam is my fav album of theirs, and this is my fav song off that album. Tough call. I wanted one Animal Collective song on here. I love their songwriting. They write weird demented Pop songs that are catchy as fuck. Respect.
5. Grizzly Bear | On A Neck, On A Spit
This song is beautiful. Grizzly Bear write beautiful Music. I find it cerebral and sophisticated. It makes me feel like a real grown up when I listen to it and is what I imagine young to middle aged intellectuals listen to. Being a pseudo wanna-be intellectual myself, I relate to that. Grizzly Bear are the real deal for the everyman. They take me to a specific place and affect a different approach in thought for me. Plain and simple, I like how it makes me feel.
6. A Tribe Called Quest | Jazz (We've Got)
I Love Hip Hop. A Tribe... are one of the best. One of my favourite things about them is how they blend and sample other genres. Mainly Jazz. Bet you didn't guess I was gonna go there... It's an homage, adaptation, and re-imagining all in one. And it rules.
7. Miles Davis | Blue In Green (with Bill Evans)
One of the saddest songs I listen to on a regular basis. I put this on when it's raining a lot. Or when I'm feeling contemplative. It's not depressing. It's not always that sad every listen either. But it can take me there if I want it to. And Music that can take you somewhere is more precious than gold.
8. Joy Division | Atmosphere
I just fucking love the bass playing in this song. The bass is one of my favourite parts of Joy Division. Peter Hook is definitely an influence for me. This song in particular though, the tone and simplicity just hit perfectly for me.
9. Konono Nº1 | Paridiso
Andrew gave me this incredible compilation a few years ago called Africa 100. This song was on it. It's been on my iPod ever since. It was even my ringtone for a spell, I love it so much. If you watch a video of this band you will appreciate it even more. A lot of the instruments are home made out of less than ideal materials. This opened A New World of Music for me. Thanks, Andrew!
10. Kendrick Lamar | Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
I took a break from Hip Hop and Rap Music for a while. It became monotonous in the Mainstream and stagnated as a whole. Kendrick Lamar wasn't the one to break this monotony. He wasn't even the one to change my perception of Hip Hop and alert me to its departure from the dark ages. But this entire album... Wow. On repeat. Over and over. Please.
1. Deftones | Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away) (Acoustic)
I don't really listen to Deftones at all but somehow stumbled on this Acoustic version which flips it from being a really heavy song into something the complete opposite. I love the Warmness to it, the crackles, the Lo-Fi-ness of it. I have it connected in my head to a Summertime memory of an oceanside cabin on Hornby Island, one of the gulf islands that's a few hours travel from Vancouver that is my favourite place in the World. It's night time and it's warm and I'm with good people.
2. Justin Bieber | All That Matters
This song is currently stuck in my head and on repeat.
3. Roy Orbison | Crying
4. Usher | Climax
This is one of my favourite songs. The vocal melodies in are amazing. I remember being in awe of them and thinking it was the hardest song ever to sing. I use it to warm up my vocals before shows.
5. Todd Terje | Inspector Norse
There's a short film documentary about this song called Whateverest which details this guy's who the song is about, who makes this homemade drug out of household chemicals and gets really high. He's also an artist and does this piece he calls No Bad Days which is the inspiration for our album title.
6. Best Coast | Bratty B
Best Coast's Crazy For You album got me through a break up and this is my favourite song from it.

7. Björk | Hunter
In my second year of University, I took half the year off and went back packing in Europe. I was on a ferry leaving Turkey for the Greek Islands and this song was playing and I have that moment locked in my head.
8. The Beach Boys | Good Vibrations
Before I was old enough to choose Music to listen to, I would listen to a lot of The Beach Boys that my dad would play. I love this song. It's perfect. It embodies everything all at once. The harmonies, the production, the instrumentation.
9. Monie Love | It's A Shame (My Sister)
One of my biggest pet peeves is having a song in your head but no idea what it is or how to find. When I was really young this song was on the 90's US TV show In Living Colour which was a personal favourite. They used to have these dancing parts of the show for the intro and before it would go to commercial and JLo was one of them, LOL. It was super badass. They played this song. Maybe 15 years later, working as a DJ, I was digging for vinyl at a shop and speaking with a DJ who had been playing for a while and hummed the melody and he knew the song! Then I had to find it and ordered three different versions of it as it turned out the version I had heard was only on the 7" single.
10. Miguel | Sure Thing
This is basically the sexiest song ever written. I want to cover this song, but the rest of the band won't do it because they have black hearts. I hate them.
+11. Drake | Best I Ever Had
About a year ago I needed to get out of town and convinced my best friend to travel down to Portland with me to hang with some band friends we have down there. We didn't really plan anything and just winged it. We ended up camping in the middle of nowhere on the coast on a beach and doing some psychedelics. At a certain point I swear thought we were being visited by aliens but it turned out it was the US Coast Guard and they were watching us with this night vision infrared light for 30 minutes from a boat. They finally left after deeming that us foreigners weren't a threat. We had this little tiny speaker thing and this song played.

1. Lucho Bermúdez y Su Orquesta | Arroz Con Coco
I love this song because it not only has my grandfather singing on it, but it also is one of the funnest Cumbias from the great Lucho Bermúdez. I always want to dance to this and sing along.
2. Charles Mingus | Cumbia & Jazz Fusion
This song made me want to study Music, it especially gave me a great perspective and made want to study the Jazz idiom in the drumset. It blends Cumbia Music with rainforest sounds that transcends into an epic Charles Mingus Jazz composition, which involves a very inspired performance with the uniqueness of his writing.
3. Queen | Don't Stop Me Now
Queen is one of the best bands of all time, their 1988 Live Aid performance is by far the best live set ever! Ha. Don't Stop Me Now is an excellent crafted tune that just gets more epic as it progresses, it is not an epic over played Bohemian Rhapsody, but also it's not just a simple Pop tune. Plus it is about having a good time!
4. Tony Allen | Jakelewah
Afrobeat at its finest, by Fela Kuti's drummer; a very amazing musician. This tune like most of his others, has a great message, a cool arrangement with really interesting polyrhythms and a great musical craftsmanship.
5. Radiohead | 15 Step
In Rainbows is in my opinion Radiohead's best album to date. It incorporates a solid intricacy of really Experimental writing with an unique Pop sensibility. I could choose pretty much every song of this album, but I went with 15 Step because it's in 5 or 10 or 15, whatever you want to see it as.

6. The Meters | Tippi Toes
The guitar riff on this song is basically what draws me in, it is so creamy and catchy, for me The Meters will always be an inspiration to Funk and R&B.
7. Daft Punk | Contact
Although Random Access Memories is a new album, it really caught my attention, it blends Electronic sounds with an amazing Live studio band. When I first heard the last song of the album, Contact, I thought it was a perfect way to end it, because of its climactic nature. Also shout out to Giorgio By Moroder and Motherboard from the same album.
8. King Crimson | Indiscipline
This song has one of the most epic drum buildups with a very wacky riff and super intricate storyline. To be honest ever since I heard it I have been a huge Bill Bruford fan.
9. Holy Fuck | Super Inuit
This band is awesome, and they play and amazing live show, full of energy and great upbeat tunes. This song to me is the amalgamation of High Energy sweat drenched super good times, and it's all condensed into one song. Great tune to get work done to.
10. Return To Forever | Captain Senor Mouse (feat. Chick Corea)
This song is very intense, and it's from the 70's Jazz Fusion era, very challenging and performed with pristine precision. I am not the biggest Chick Corea fan, but this song in particular gets me every time, I love it!

1. Art Ensemble Of Chicago | Thème De Yoyo
I don't know what you would call this kind of Jazz, but it's fantastic. Very raw and stripped down, with a great groove. Whoever recorded this really found an amazing sound for the band. The song is taken from an album called Les Stances A Sophie, which I found through Soul Jazz Records. A really wonderful label that generally focuses on re-issuing albums or genre compilations of older Music. I got into them when following my love of Jamaican Music. I highly recommend checking them out.
2. Lokonon André & Les Volcans | Mi Kple Dogbekpo
I came across this track not that long ago on a compilation record called African Scream Contest on the Analogue Africa label. I really love older African Pop Music. You can often hear an influence from the Popular Western Music of whatever time it was recorded, but they take it somewhere else with unique approaches to rhythm and melody. I'm often fascinated by African guitar players, but this song has a great vocal melody.
3. Loose Joints | Is It All Over My Face (Female Vocal)
Tristan turned me on to this song and it's now one of my favorites. It's Disco, from the Disco era, but completely stripped of any of the saccharine, lush production and instrumentation often associated with the genre. Guitar, bass, drums, Rhodes piano and a superb vocal line. Just an amazing song.
4. George Harrison | Wah-Wah
I had never listened to George Harrison's All Things Must Pass album until a friend gave it to my girlfriend a while ago. The whole triple album is amazing. I could have chosen many of the songs from it, but I like this one too, so here you go.
5. Freddie Scott | (You) Got What I Need
Not much to say about this one, just a solid old R&B song. It's the basis for the Biz Markie classic Just A Friend.

6. A Certain Ratio | Do The Du (Casse)
Here's a really danceable Post-Punk, Punk-Funk kind of thing that I always come back to. I really like ACR. The late 70s/early 80s seemed like a very interesting time for Underground Dance Music, with disparate worlds coming together. Punk influenced white kids from Manchester adopting New York dance styles and Martin Hannet producing ESG.
7. David Bowie | Word On A Wing
I love, love, love David Bowie. This is from the Station To Station album, which I think stands up alongside the three Berlin albums that came immediately after (pretty much everything he did in the 70s is incredible). What gets me about this song is his vocal delivery. It might equal his singing on Heroes.
8. Hannah Epperson & Oh No! Yoko | Soft Shoulder
This is a collaboration between some friends of ours and produced by Howard Redekopp, with whom we worked on our album. A group of very talented people all around. We were there when Howard played them the first mix, and I remember being blown away when Hannah comes in with the hook. It arrives out of left field and is beautiful.
9. Peter Tosh | I Am That I Am
I'm a big fan of Jamaican Music from the 60s and 70s. A small island that produced a disproportionate amount of staggeringly good Music. My mom had Peter Tosh's Equal Rights album on tape when I was a kid and now I have it on vinyl. Maybe that's why I like that album and this song so much. Thematically, it's pretty classic Peter Tosh, but the simplicity of the lyrics and melody in the chorus really stand out for me.
10. Portishead | The Rip
This is from the album Third. Beth Gibbons has the most amazing, haunting voice. I love the way this song slowly builds, but still remains perfectly understated. Also, I'm fascinated by songs that never deviate from one chord progression but don't feel at all repetitive (Gut Feeling by Devo, Radiohead's The National Anthem). I hope to write one at some point.

1. Joni Mitchell | All I Want
I had a turntable in my room when I was a teenager in the late 90s. I would fall asleep listening to my mom's copy of Blue. Anytime I hear any of the songs off that record it makes me think of home and my mom. Like a safety blanket for my ears.
2. The Strokes | Under Control
I was really into The Strokes around the time I first started playing Music with a few of my best friends. It was a great period in my life and this brings me back there. It makes me think of riding around in a minivan blasting tunes. Drinking beers and cheap wine in the driveway with the garage door open, taking a break in between trying to make up songs.
3. Born Ruffians | This Sentence Will Ruin/Save Your Life
Whole album... The first time my friend Simon played me this song it blew my mind. Again in the mini van. Some good tunes in that van. Born Ruffians are still one of my favourite bands 7 years later. The EP this song is off of would be on my top 10 album list if one existed. Simon is still one of my best friends in the world as well. Longevity, that's what's up.
4. Animal Collective | Fireworks
Animal Collective helped change the way I thought about Music. Strawberry Jam is my fav album of theirs, and this is my fav song off that album. Tough call. I wanted one Animal Collective song on here. I love their songwriting. They write weird demented Pop songs that are catchy as fuck. Respect.
5. Grizzly Bear | On A Neck, On A Spit
This song is beautiful. Grizzly Bear write beautiful Music. I find it cerebral and sophisticated. It makes me feel like a real grown up when I listen to it and is what I imagine young to middle aged intellectuals listen to. Being a pseudo wanna-be intellectual myself, I relate to that. Grizzly Bear are the real deal for the everyman. They take me to a specific place and affect a different approach in thought for me. Plain and simple, I like how it makes me feel.

6. A Tribe Called Quest | Jazz (We've Got)
I Love Hip Hop. A Tribe... are one of the best. One of my favourite things about them is how they blend and sample other genres. Mainly Jazz. Bet you didn't guess I was gonna go there... It's an homage, adaptation, and re-imagining all in one. And it rules.
7. Miles Davis | Blue In Green (with Bill Evans)
One of the saddest songs I listen to on a regular basis. I put this on when it's raining a lot. Or when I'm feeling contemplative. It's not depressing. It's not always that sad every listen either. But it can take me there if I want it to. And Music that can take you somewhere is more precious than gold.
8. Joy Division | Atmosphere
I just fucking love the bass playing in this song. The bass is one of my favourite parts of Joy Division. Peter Hook is definitely an influence for me. This song in particular though, the tone and simplicity just hit perfectly for me.
9. Konono Nº1 | Paridiso
Andrew gave me this incredible compilation a few years ago called Africa 100. This song was on it. It's been on my iPod ever since. It was even my ringtone for a spell, I love it so much. If you watch a video of this band you will appreciate it even more. A lot of the instruments are home made out of less than ideal materials. This opened A New World of Music for me. Thanks, Andrew!
10. Kendrick Lamar | Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
I took a break from Hip Hop and Rap Music for a while. It became monotonous in the Mainstream and stagnated as a whole. Kendrick Lamar wasn't the one to break this monotony. He wasn't even the one to change my perception of Hip Hop and alert me to its departure from the dark ages. But this entire album... Wow. On repeat. Over and over. Please.