WARMER MIXTAPES #1352 | by Mitch Todorov (Dirtpope) of KLOZAPIN
1. Weezer | In The Garage
I remember being 9 and hearing this song for the first time in my cousin's room. I put some gym shorts on my head and started head banging to it. After that Weezer was the only Music I listened to until 6th grade. Their Music was a huge influence on me.
2. Connan Mockasin | Why Are You Crying?
Caramel is one of my favorite records of last year. I listened to it a lot while I was traveling through Europe this past spring so it brings back some good distorted memories of that. It's hard to separate a song from the album but this one stands out. The woman crying/breathing heavily makes it. It's really eerie and sexy at the same time.
3. The Newday | Wait A Minute
Heard this song on a GAP ad on TV a couple months ago. The one that David Fincher did. Really catchy song. It should have been part of the Jackie Brown soundtrack.
4. The Black Lips | How Do You Tell A Child That Someone Has Died
I love the Black Lips and I really love this song. Probably their funniest and saddest song. I like to picture them singing this to a Wiggles type crowd.
5. Contact Lens | Felt
I listen to a lot of Contact Lens. Definitely one of my favorite beat makers. I don't understand why more rappers don't try to use his beats. This song reminds me of cruising through my hometown during the summer of 2012.

6. Gianni Ferrio | I Giorni Che Ci Appartengono (La Morte Risale A Ieri Sera Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
I listen to a lot of Italian films scores from the 70s. This track might be my favorite. Very cinematic and colorful. It's hard not to picture the start of an epic movie when this plays.
7. Lone | Dream Girl/Sky Surfer
If I don't listen to Lone while I run something doesn't feel right. It makes me feel like I'm flying. I'm not a big dancer, but I would go nuts if I ever saw Lone play.
8. The Memories | Love Is Not A Dream
My friend Pat played this for me back in June and from there on it defined the rest of the summer. It's another cool dreamy stoner Pop song from these guys, but I think it's their best one. I put it on CD and listened to it before work every morning.
9. Uncle Acid | Mt. Abraxas
Uncle Acid for me is more Black Sabbath than Black Sabbath is. They fucking rule. Best melodic riffs out of any band playing right now. This song brings me back to the beginning of my Senior Year of College. My roommates and I played this song and album to death.
10. Vangelis | Main Titles (Blade Runner Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Opening piece to Ridley Scott's Blade Runner. Every time I hear it I just see that close up on the eye with the reflection of Future LA. This is one of my favorite Sci-Fi films and this opening shot with this song might be my favorite part. It gives me this feeling of despair and emptiness while making me feel invincible.