WARMER MIXTAPES #1591 | by Tristan Whitehill [Euglossine] of Orchal And Vir
1. Allan Holdsworth | All Our Yesterdays
Allan Holdsworth is probably one of the most impressive instrumentalists ever. His signature style of playing always out-shined his composition skills in the press, and in his recent passing this song feels very contemporary for me. The melodic language in his Music is something I've always coveted, even when I was scared of it because it's confusing. RIP Allan and thanks for the timeless and elegant ideas!
2. AAA | Light
Chris Von Szombathy is a musical and artistic delight to the very highest level, in my opinion. His Art makes me feel validated as an artist because Chris and I value a lot of the same things. His Music keeps getting better and better for me because he recently pulled the veil on all this sick Jazz bass in his Music which I thought was MIDI for a while! Light is a perfect example of the melted Post Post Modern caricatures he draw with Sound.
3. The Art Of Noise | Eye Of A Needle
A legendary act in the History of Technology, Art, and Music. Another act that when I was young I didn't appreciate but later realized how incredible it is. This song is an info-graphic in my mind for the breakdown of Language and Poetics of Music.
4. Syd Dale | Time Trial
From the relatively unknown library catalog Amphonic, this track is a gem! Slippery Moog outlines a sweet modal chord progression that just screams groovy Space party. My dearest friend Neil showed me this track years ago and has never ceased to entertain me.
5. Führs & Fröhling | Dance Of The Leaves
German Ambient Music from the 70's is everyone's favorite Music it seems. I hadn't heard of this record 'til recently and listened to it a lot on a long flight with my wife. There's a strange feeling it gives me, a certain shade of Nostalgia that I felt as a child being exposed to Ambient Music and Classical through my father. Ammerland is a great record all the way through.

6. Joan Bibiloni | Jungle
I was turned on to Bibiloni through AAA actually! This track has some insane mixing on it, featuring super subtle sequences and some wacky Jazz guitar over the top of a very wave table pan flute patch. These are the core sounds at the heart of World Music, but this is completely genuine expression and has enough grit to avoid that connotation. It's a beautiful song and feeling overall!
7. Chaka Khan | Eye To Eye
This is a supermarket tear-jerker. The melody of this tune really struck me for some reason and I listened to it a million times in the car really loud. This whole record is incredible and very ornate. Chaka is a genius and her voice and emotion is so inspiring to everyone.
8. Sunmoonstar | Jacaranda
I had the honor of releasing the album this track is off of on Squiggle Dot (my label). Sunmoonstar is my wife and biggest inspiration in Life. This track is so gorgeous and perfect, incredible groove and pacing. Her new albums are coming out soon and it's so exciting for people to hear her new incredible works!
9. Tlaotlon | Nekta
Tlaotlon is in a class of his own in terms of Modern Sound Design/Tech Heavy Dance Music. His Music doesn't always rely on Rhythm and involves a lot of non repeating sounds and phasing tempos. This track is from a flexi disc he released and is a great entry point into his inexplicable Music.
10. Taeko Ohnuki | 夏に恋する女たち (Track 1 on the album Signifie)
Language barriers don't stop amazing Music and this track stole my heart. The loveliest arrangement of orchestral instruments and synthesizers with a Disco beat and the pure sounds of Taeko's lovely soprano. I get strong visuals of a cabaret in the stars with spinning sculptures made of ice. 10/10 would recommend.