WARMER MIXTAPES #71 | by Travis Trevisan of Tape Deck Mountain
1. My Bloody Valentine | Only Shallow
Ka ka ka ka duh eerrhhhhh der waaaaa eeerrrhhhhh waaaa duh dun eeerrhhh waaaaa ka ka ka ka ka ka...
2. Queen | Bohemian Rhapsody
I'm a big fan of contrast in music and Bohemian Rhapsody might just be the starkest of them all. The lyrics are so nihlistic and hopeless, yet the instrumentation and melodies of the song are so beautiful that you can't help but smile and dance around like a fool singing along with Freddy Mercury about wishing that you'd never been born at all.
3. The Verve | Slide Away
Richard, Nick, Simon, & Peter at their best. RIP.
4. Mogwai | Mogwai Fear Satan
Heard this song at the age of 18 and quickly started an instrumental band. I always had a fear of singing into a microphone, Mogwai Fear Satan convinced me that you could make powerful rock music without vocals. Perfect driving music for slow and steady spead increases, 0-60 in 2 hours.
5. The Microphones | The Glow Pt. 2
After the instrumental band didn't work out as I had planned Phil Evrum was an big influence in my attempt to sing. You don't have to Jeff Buckley incarnate with your voice to make something cool/beautiful/interesting. Put on some headphones and trip out to the hard panned rotating guitars.
6. The Beach Boys | I Know There's An Answer
Probably my favorite song off Pet Sounds. Lovely percussion, vocals, winds...Is that baritone harmonica solo? Does a baritone harmonica exist?
7. Spiritualized | Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space
I love the interweaving round of voices and melodies. Restores and crushes the listeners hopes and dreams simultaneously.
8. Bob Dylan | With God On Our Side
In a many dark hour, I've been thinking about this...That Jesus Christ was betrayed by a kiss...Now I can't think for you, you'll have to decide...Whether Judas Iscariot had God on his side.
9. The Smiths | Girlfriend In A Voma
Dreadful and confusingly beautiful lyrics and story.
10. The Smashing Pumpkins | 1979
My friends and I would drive around in high school and play this song before toilet papering girls houses. After we were done it was Radiohead - Karma Police on the getaway.