WARMER MIXTAPES #490 | by Simon Reithner, Filip Spetze (Holograms) and Serge G. of The Whendays
SIDE A | by Serge G.
1. Young Prisms | Weekends And Treehouses (Acoustic)
Young Prisms are from San Francisco, my old stomping ground. I wonder if they ever get tacos from the El Toyanense truck on 16th & Harrison? I def miss that spot because you can't find decent Mexican food in Stockholm.
2. Motor City Drum Ensemble | Monorail (John Roberts Remix)
John Roberts and MCDE are two of my favorite producers. JB essentially killz it with this remix! Would love for these guys to remix The Whendays!
3. Patrice Rushen | Remind Me
My sister Jaz sent me this jam earlier in the week. Look out for Buffalo Tears.
4. Ricardo Villalobos & Max Loderbauer | Recat
I've def been nerding out on this release lately, I don't think there's any other way of approaching it.
5. Tenório Jr. | Estou Nessa Agora
Beautiful song. Nuff said.
6. Cocteau Twins | Sultitan Itan
7. Milton Nascimento & Lô Borges | O Trem Azul
This song reminds me of a New Years I spent in NYC hangin' with my good pal J. Warsh. Great memories.
8. Outkast | Prototype
We're trying to collab with Andre 3000 on The Whendays' full length album.
9. The Jacksons | Show You The Way To Go (Social Disco Club Re-Tribute)
Seriously, this is one of the finest tunes I've ever heard!! I love the original as well, however, this version distills the best section and molds it into the perfect Disco pearl!
10. Thompson Twins | If You Were Here
When I was growing up I was enamored (and still kinda' am) with 80's Synth Pop and High School films by John Hughes. This song captures that particular strain of 1980's youth culture that I dreamed of participating in.
SIDE B | by Simon Reithner
1. Robert Lowry | Shall We Gather At The River? (Church Of The Redeemer Version)
This hymnal from the 19th Century was one of the songs that followed me through my childhood. I grew up in a Baptist family and I spent a lot of time in church as a kid. In fact, the Baptists have very strong musical traditions, and the songs that we sang in church pretty much defined my idea of Music back then. I'm not the religious type, however, the music stuck with me.
2. Cocteau Twins | Sugar Hiccup
Serge introduced me to this song a year ago and I’ve played it at least a billion times since then. The production is genius, and everything is melted together in a perfect symbiosis. The words are probably the strangest shit ever but when she sings them they become so honest and truthful, and it makes total sense in a weird way.
3. Bobby Conn | Never Get Ahead
This is what I want The Whendays to be like. It’s not as much the song itself as it is the desperation in poor Bobby’s voice and the total madness in his eyes. The man’s a maniac.
4. Idiot Wind | Canary Bird
Extremely talented Swedish singer/songwriter - Amanda Bergman is putting out the most fantastic songs. She’s gifted with an amazing voice! I’ve listened to this track sooo many times now, I really hope she’ll continue to feed me with more of these perfect Pop tunes. She makes me feel warm inside.
5. Kate Bush | Wuthering Heights
It’s a classic, and you got to love it. I can see why this might come across as just tacky to some people, I mean, the video is very pretentious. But I guess that’s what I love about Kate Bush. She really takes herself seriously. This song is a masterpiece, it’s history.
6. M.I.A. | Born Free
I’m putting this one on the list mostly because of the video. Music is politic. There was a lot of controversy when this video came out and people got really upset. Watching redheads get shot in the head is apparently a lot more disturbing than watching Afghans or Iraqis (for example) get the same treatment. I respect people who speak their minds, M.I.A.’s one of them.
7. Håkan Hellström | Inte Skyldig Nån Nåt
Håkan Hellström will forever be my hero (half of Sweden would agree on that, the other half are idiots who don't know anything about music and should be imprisoned). The impact he’s had on the Swedish Pop scene of today is indescribable. It’s hard to pick just one song, they’ve all meant the World to me at some point in my life. This one in particular is about dealing with your past and proclaiming that I don’t owe anything to anyone anymore. I let these words echo through my head at hard times, and suddenly the sky brightens and life seems a lot easier. There’s got to be some Magic involved. It works every time.
8. Zola Jesus | Sea Talk
I really like the atmosphere of this song, and it's somehow connected to Wuthering Heights- it’s epic. It makes me feel like I’m part of a bigger picture. I like musicians who aren’t afraid of being a little dramatic or bombastic. Sometimes minimalism is boring.
9. Zoo Kid | Out Getting Ribs
It hurts to realize that I’ll never be this good. This guy is too fucking talented for his young age. When this came out [in 2010] he was only 16. I wrote shitty songs when I was 16. There’s no end to the road this guy is walking. Zoo Kid has changed his name to King Krule and released an EP with True Panther this year, check it out!
10. Mates Of State | Like U Crazy
This might actually be THE perfect Pop song (I know it’s getting a little repetitive). I say no more.
+11. Sin Fang Bous | Lies
I found this song in the back waters of my iPod the other week and I’m totally stoked. Sin Fang Bous’ debut album Clangour was apparently, without me even noticing, a big hype when it came out in 2008. Lies is one of the greatest Pop songs I’ve ever heard. It’s haunting and adamant, and it fills me with both anxiety and excitement at the same time. It’s like everything is going to Hell and you can’t help but laugh about it.

The first 5 tracks are things I discovered the last couple of months (Oct/Nov 11').
The last 5 are tracks I've had on constant rotation for the last few years/always.
The last 5 are tracks I've had on constant rotation for the last few years/always.
1. Young Prisms | Weekends And Treehouses (Acoustic)
Young Prisms are from San Francisco, my old stomping ground. I wonder if they ever get tacos from the El Toyanense truck on 16th & Harrison? I def miss that spot because you can't find decent Mexican food in Stockholm.
2. Motor City Drum Ensemble | Monorail (John Roberts Remix)
John Roberts and MCDE are two of my favorite producers. JB essentially killz it with this remix! Would love for these guys to remix The Whendays!
3. Patrice Rushen | Remind Me
My sister Jaz sent me this jam earlier in the week. Look out for Buffalo Tears.
4. Ricardo Villalobos & Max Loderbauer | Recat
I've def been nerding out on this release lately, I don't think there's any other way of approaching it.
5. Tenório Jr. | Estou Nessa Agora
Beautiful song. Nuff said.

7. Milton Nascimento & Lô Borges | O Trem Azul
This song reminds me of a New Years I spent in NYC hangin' with my good pal J. Warsh. Great memories.
8. Outkast | Prototype
We're trying to collab with Andre 3000 on The Whendays' full length album.
9. The Jacksons | Show You The Way To Go (Social Disco Club Re-Tribute)
Seriously, this is one of the finest tunes I've ever heard!! I love the original as well, however, this version distills the best section and molds it into the perfect Disco pearl!
10. Thompson Twins | If You Were Here
When I was growing up I was enamored (and still kinda' am) with 80's Synth Pop and High School films by John Hughes. This song captures that particular strain of 1980's youth culture that I dreamed of participating in.

1. Robert Lowry | Shall We Gather At The River? (Church Of The Redeemer Version)
This hymnal from the 19th Century was one of the songs that followed me through my childhood. I grew up in a Baptist family and I spent a lot of time in church as a kid. In fact, the Baptists have very strong musical traditions, and the songs that we sang in church pretty much defined my idea of Music back then. I'm not the religious type, however, the music stuck with me.
2. Cocteau Twins | Sugar Hiccup
Serge introduced me to this song a year ago and I’ve played it at least a billion times since then. The production is genius, and everything is melted together in a perfect symbiosis. The words are probably the strangest shit ever but when she sings them they become so honest and truthful, and it makes total sense in a weird way.
3. Bobby Conn | Never Get Ahead
This is what I want The Whendays to be like. It’s not as much the song itself as it is the desperation in poor Bobby’s voice and the total madness in his eyes. The man’s a maniac.
4. Idiot Wind | Canary Bird
Extremely talented Swedish singer/songwriter - Amanda Bergman is putting out the most fantastic songs. She’s gifted with an amazing voice! I’ve listened to this track sooo many times now, I really hope she’ll continue to feed me with more of these perfect Pop tunes. She makes me feel warm inside.
5. Kate Bush | Wuthering Heights
It’s a classic, and you got to love it. I can see why this might come across as just tacky to some people, I mean, the video is very pretentious. But I guess that’s what I love about Kate Bush. She really takes herself seriously. This song is a masterpiece, it’s history.

I’m putting this one on the list mostly because of the video. Music is politic. There was a lot of controversy when this video came out and people got really upset. Watching redheads get shot in the head is apparently a lot more disturbing than watching Afghans or Iraqis (for example) get the same treatment. I respect people who speak their minds, M.I.A.’s one of them.
7. Håkan Hellström | Inte Skyldig Nån Nåt
Håkan Hellström will forever be my hero (half of Sweden would agree on that, the other half are idiots who don't know anything about music and should be imprisoned). The impact he’s had on the Swedish Pop scene of today is indescribable. It’s hard to pick just one song, they’ve all meant the World to me at some point in my life. This one in particular is about dealing with your past and proclaiming that I don’t owe anything to anyone anymore. I let these words echo through my head at hard times, and suddenly the sky brightens and life seems a lot easier. There’s got to be some Magic involved. It works every time.
8. Zola Jesus | Sea Talk
I really like the atmosphere of this song, and it's somehow connected to Wuthering Heights- it’s epic. It makes me feel like I’m part of a bigger picture. I like musicians who aren’t afraid of being a little dramatic or bombastic. Sometimes minimalism is boring.
9. Zoo Kid | Out Getting Ribs
It hurts to realize that I’ll never be this good. This guy is too fucking talented for his young age. When this came out [in 2010] he was only 16. I wrote shitty songs when I was 16. There’s no end to the road this guy is walking. Zoo Kid has changed his name to King Krule and released an EP with True Panther this year, check it out!
10. Mates Of State | Like U Crazy
This might actually be THE perfect Pop song (I know it’s getting a little repetitive). I say no more.
+11. Sin Fang Bous | Lies
I found this song in the back waters of my iPod the other week and I’m totally stoked. Sin Fang Bous’ debut album Clangour was apparently, without me even noticing, a big hype when it came out in 2008. Lies is one of the greatest Pop songs I’ve ever heard. It’s haunting and adamant, and it fills me with both anxiety and excitement at the same time. It’s like everything is going to Hell and you can’t help but laugh about it.

SIDE C | by Filip Spetze
1. Broder Daniel | Lovesick
Best band in the history of Sweden! They shaped the way I think of Music, not to mention the form of Pop-Music here.
2. Kavinsky | Nightcall (feat. Lovefoxxx)
I recently saw Drive and it blew my mind. These tracks transport me back to that film zone.
3. College | A Real Hero (feat. Electric Youth)
I'm a huge Ryan Gosling fan.
4. The Latin Kings | Cashen Dom Tas
These guys are still Sweden's finest Hip-Hop group. This track in particular brings me back to my days in the suburbs - sk8 for life (tho I was more of a rollerblade-dude).
5. Joel Alme | The Seven Islands
I don't know why but I always end up listening to this album in the Summer. It sums up Summer 2010 and 11' for me.

6. Vangelis | Love Theme (Blade Runner)
Blade Runner is one of the best movie's I've ever seen, not to mention one of the best soundtracks of all time, in my opinion. The Cyber-Punk vibes always grab a hold of me. I wanna live in an overpopulated, technocratic, dystopian society!
7. Frank Ocean | Novacane
This track is the best thing I've heard in a while. I like the songs touch; kinda Souly/Chris-Browny, I dunno. I'm also a big Odd Future fan.
8. Beyoncé | Halo
I just love Beyoncé.
9. Alicia Keys | Doesn't Mean Anything
I just love Alicia Keys.
10. Shirley Bassey | (Where Do I Begin?) Love Story (Francis Lai Cover)
This song makes me feel like James Bond. I hope to one day become rich and successful, and dress like Bond, and hopefully get as lucky with the ladies as he does...
+11. Memory Cassette | Surfin'
I played this track at least once a day during my last year in high school. It brings back a lot of good memories.
1. Broder Daniel | Lovesick
Best band in the history of Sweden! They shaped the way I think of Music, not to mention the form of Pop-Music here.
2. Kavinsky | Nightcall (feat. Lovefoxxx)
I recently saw Drive and it blew my mind. These tracks transport me back to that film zone.
3. College | A Real Hero (feat. Electric Youth)
I'm a huge Ryan Gosling fan.
4. The Latin Kings | Cashen Dom Tas
These guys are still Sweden's finest Hip-Hop group. This track in particular brings me back to my days in the suburbs - sk8 for life (tho I was more of a rollerblade-dude).
5. Joel Alme | The Seven Islands
I don't know why but I always end up listening to this album in the Summer. It sums up Summer 2010 and 11' for me.

6. Vangelis | Love Theme (Blade Runner)
Blade Runner is one of the best movie's I've ever seen, not to mention one of the best soundtracks of all time, in my opinion. The Cyber-Punk vibes always grab a hold of me. I wanna live in an overpopulated, technocratic, dystopian society!
7. Frank Ocean | Novacane
This track is the best thing I've heard in a while. I like the songs touch; kinda Souly/Chris-Browny, I dunno. I'm also a big Odd Future fan.
8. Beyoncé | Halo
I just love Beyoncé.
9. Alicia Keys | Doesn't Mean Anything
I just love Alicia Keys.
10. Shirley Bassey | (Where Do I Begin?) Love Story (Francis Lai Cover)
This song makes me feel like James Bond. I hope to one day become rich and successful, and dress like Bond, and hopefully get as lucky with the ladies as he does...
+11. Memory Cassette | Surfin'
I played this track at least once a day during my last year in high school. It brings back a lot of good memories.