WARMER MIXTAPES #691 | by Jonathan Meneses [Joneses]
1. deadmau5 + Kaskade | I Remember
This song is Heavenly. From the Amazing Chord Progression to the Lovely Vocals. I know deadmau5 gets a lot of Hate for selling out, but he never really did if you think about it (unless you count Puma and Neff). He's always been True to his craft at least and hasn't sold out to the top 40 Pop stars, so that's a good thing. Anyway this song is Straight Ecstasy. Probably my favorite Progressive House record ever... Just feel so good when it's being played.
2. The xx | Intro
I remember back in '09 this being the first xx song I heard and thought to myself wow, this band is gonna be huge and I was pretty much right about it. This song is so Simple yet so Powerful. When that first drum hits, the song explodes, you can't help but nod your head Vigorously. Their Ability to Make Songs that sounds Easy To Make yet is still really good, it's a Real Inspiration to my own productions. I've been in Love with this band ever since.
3. Nirvana | Lounge Act
Oh, Nirvana. I love this band so much. I haven't been listening to them as much as I used to but they're always not skipped whenever my iPod's on shuffle. Love a lot of their songs but Lounge Act is probably my favorite by them. The Bassline and the Lyrics are what I Love about this song the most. The Lyrics reminds me of one of my exes with my interpretation being I'd love for it to work out, but me and you both know that it will never happen...
4. Radiohead | Lucky
A Pretty Depressing Song, but I see it as a guy who’s had Pretty Shitty Luck and then he’s on the Verge of Things finally Changing. Just a view on an Optimist’s View on Things. And then the Guitar Riff at 3:11 is Life Changing. Good God, it's so Good.

5. Daft Punk | Something About Us
I remember listening to this song on my bus a lot during the Mornings in High School, thinking about a girl I used to really like. That chick didn't really like me back so it stopped being about her after that, haha. This song never gets old with it's Chilled Out Vibes and Funky Synths. I've probably dedicated this song to 3 or 4 chicks in my mind, ahha.
6. Crystal Castles | Vietnam
Like a lot of their songs, it's Perfect. It starts off Gritty As Fuck with Weird Vocals and a Thumping Ass Bassline (which I tried to copy in my SBTRKT's Hold On remix, haha), it eventually builds up to a huge drop where stuff calms down and the whole mood changes from Hectic to Ethereal. I love how Ethan chops up and pitches his vocals, he is a True Master at his craft and this song represents what I want my Music to sound like one day. Huge Inspiration.
7. Hole | Asking For It (feat. Kurt Cobain)
Let me start off by saying I'm not the biggest Courtney Love fan. But, damn, this is one of my Favorite Songs for sure. It's most likely 'cause Kurt Cobain probably wrote it. I Love the Lyrics to the song. It's a Pretty Fucked Song and could've easily been a Nirvana song at least a B-side. Super Grungy. And when Kurt Cobain comes through singing the chorus, damn, my spine gets the chills.

Lawdy. This is my favorite Justice song. It sounds like what would be playing in the background when a Whole City is Burning Down. Everything from those Crispy, almost Chain Saw-like, synths to that Amazing Disco Sample they used is Amazing. This shit gets me so hyped.
9. Stardust | Music Sounds Better With You
Damm, this is Another Perfect Song... With ½ of Daft Punk working on this record you know it's gonna be good. That amazing Chaka Khan sample is too Sick/Catchy and the Simple Lyrics really bring the song Together. Just an over all Feel Great Record you can't not Dance to when it's played. I think this is my Favorite Disco House Record.
10. Kanye West | Through The Wire
I remember first listening to this song back in New Jersey when I was an Early Teenager and hoping to God that Kanye would blow up and be the biggest Hip Hop Star just from that song playing on BET. And years later that’s exactly where he’s at. Kanye always had the best Instrumentals and Flow and this song is no different.
+11. Daft Punk | Da Funk
Yeah, another Daft Punk song. This song is Just Amazing. The Synth/Melody they used is so dam' Catchy/Groundbreaking. Whenever you hear this you gotta move yo feet. DP are Simply The Best.
+12. Radiohead | Motion Picture Soundtrack
This song is so dam' Chilling it's Amazing. Super Depressing Stuff, but can’t help but Love it. I just see it as a Suicide Note Type Song where he’s saying to his lover that he’s sick, that he can’t Love the person he cares most for and the only way he connects with her is through Dreams that he achieves from Wine/Sleeping Pills/Sad Films, so he just says Fuck Iit and See You In The Next Life. I may be Completely Wrong, but it's just my Interpretation of it. I just Love Thom Yorke's Crazy Ability to Make Me Feel Something with the Music He Creates. True Genius.