WARMER MIXTAPES #698 | by Kristy Lee Peters [KLP]
1. Disclosure | You & Me (feat. Eliza Doolittle)
These guys put out hit after hit. Their Production is Tight but the Actual Songs in Themselves are so Strong. You could sing the vocals with just a Guitar or Piano - that's a True Sign of a Great song.
2. His Majesty Andre | Hymn (Mickey Remix)
This track came out a few months ago but it still makes me feel like Dancing like a Crazy Woman every time I play it out.
3. Scissor Sisters | Let's Have A Kiki
I'm putting a Live Show together, and at the End of the First Rehearsal, one of the guys played this track over the PA as we were packing up. I have no idea how I had never heard it before, but it's so Random and Crazy I fell in Love with it straight away! I think watching the guys dance around the room to it while packing up their gear made it ten times better as well. Go watch the video and tell me it doesn't Fascinate you.
4. Steely Dan | Dirty Work
I was Very Fortunate to grow up in a Super Creative family with a Musician Dad. He now lives in the Blue Mountains and a year or so back I traveled up to visit him in the Freezing Cold while feeling a bit Lost and Low. We sat there at his baby grand and sang this song together in Harmony. I can now put this on any time of day and it takes me back to that moment.
5. Frank Ocean | Thinkin Bout You (Motez Edit)
A great edit to a Beautiful Song. It's Interesting watching how edits of Already Existing Successful Tracks help to get upcoming producers out there. Motez has done a bunch which are all Free To Download and are Fantastic for DJs to play out - but I also know for a fact he has his own tracks on the way!

6. Justin Timberlake | Suit & Tie (Aeroplane Remix)
How can you go Wrong with This Combo!? Enough said.
7. Duke Dumont | Need U (100%) (feat. A*M*E)
From the Get Go this track is sooo Deep and Tough. For such a Simple Hook and Quite Repetitive Parts it's so Darn Catchy. If I'm having a moment Getting Ready to Go Play a gig when I'm Not Feeling It - this song will put me in the mood to Face Any Club.
8. Daft Punk | Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams)
I have been a massive Pharrell fan since back in the early N*E*R*D days. I know that this track is Destined to Be a Massive Hit to the Point of Overkill, but You Can't Deny a Disco Groove, with a Hook Sung by a Voice Like His. No Brainer.
8. Crystal Waters | Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
I first learnt to DJ doing the Graveyard Closing Shift at Oxford Art Factory. I witnessed loads of gigs and I can't even remember who it was exactly, but some DJ from overseas was playing before me one night, and he dropped this track in amongst Hip Hop and the whole Dance Floor went Bananas! It's still a favourite - I would Love a Repeat of That Moment.
9. Haim | Don't Save Me
I want to be in this band, actually what girl doesn't secretly want to be in this band?! Girls, Sunnies, Hooks, Soft Focus Videos and Stacked Harmonies. My Dream. This song is Truly Ridiculously Good.
10. The White Lamp | It's You (Ron Basejam Remix)
This was first played to me one Morning, well, actually I think it was kind of Sung to Me by a Big Cheeky Grinning Face. You see, I Love a Good Sleep In, but when I heard this, I couldn't help but Come Alive and Get the Hell Out of Bed! We still have it on vinyl here at home and it's Regularly the First Thing in the Morning, or The Last Thing at Night that gets Put On.