WARMER MIXTAPES #711 | by Adam Pickering of Mongo Lounge and The Daydream Club
1. Moondog | Romance In G
This piece is just so Beautiful to me. Moondog had a Way of Presenting Classical Ideas in a More Accessible Form, Never Over Complicating. I could listen to this On Repeat.
2. Ben Howard | Old Pine
Every Kingdom is just a Perfect Album, but I Particularly Like How This Song Develops. Job well done, Ben Howard!
3. Fleetwood Mac | Oh Daddy
I'm a Massive Fan of The Mac and over the years I've been collecting their back catalogue On Vinyl. I had to include Fleetwood Mac in this list, but trying to pick just one track is Tricky. I've decided to go for a Less Obvious Choice taken from the classic Rumours album. This is Not One of their Most Complex Songs but the Vibe is What Gets Me with this one. Mick Fleetwood and John McVie just Sitting Back in the Pocket with the Occasional Low Piano Notes from Christine McVie.
4. Daft Punk | Robot Rock
You might be Wondering How this fits into my list so far... I have a Long-Standing Love Affair with Dirty-Synth-Electro that dates back to my Uni days. When I'm Feeling that Vibe Daft Punk is the first place I will look, it needs To Be Played Loud and Never Fails to make me want to Throw some Shapes... It doesn't even matter if they're not Good Shapes!
5. Beirut | Prenzlauerberg
The entire album Gulag Orkestar is Genius, Bohemian-Gypsy-Folk-Pop at it's Best. It's all about the Instrumentation and Textures in this for me and I think this song best represents the album's Greatness and How It Transports You to Somewhere Else.

6. Tame Impala | Elephant
I love this track, it's as if John Lennon Had Never Died and was Now in a Hybrid Band with Daft Punk and Led Zeppelin.
7. Chris Thile | I'm Yours If You Want Me
Chris Thile is an Amazingly Talented, Virtuoso Banjo Player, but I like how he can also do Powerful, Completely Stripped Back Songs like this one, Without Extravagance, Just the Bare Bones of a Great Song.
8. The Beatles | Maxwell's Silver Hammer
I couldn't do a list without including The Beatles, I never get tired of those guys. I always Aspire To Be A Musician/Songwriter of This Nature That Follows an Inspiration Without Heavy Regard for the Constraints of Genre, aside from, maybe, an Element of Accessibility. This song is Exactly That, it's Still a Pop Song in a Fashion, but Unlike Anything Else.
9. Kelly Joe Phelps | Beggar's Oil
It was the Beggar's Oil EP that Led Me To Want To Pick Up a Guitar and Learn To Play with a Focus on Fingerstyle. Up until this point I'd been More Interested in Piano, Drums and Bass.
10. Julian Argüelles | Mind Your Head
Julian Argüelles combines Elements of Classical Composition and Jazz and it produces Something Brilliant Like This. When I hear this I have to Stop What I'm Doing and Give It My Full Listening Attention.