WARMER MIXTAPES #742 | by Jamie Webster [Jamie Grind]
1. Michael Jackson | Give In To Me
I'm going to do this list in chronological order, from when I first heard the songs. So as a kid the first Music I ever got into was Michael Jackson. I think I was around 8/9 years old when I first discovered him and I collected all his tapes, and later on his CD's when I got my first Stereo. Picking one song of his is difficult, as I have tons of memories for many of his songs - which mainly involve me dressing up in my Michael Jackson hat and trying to moonwalk. This song in particular, I clearly remember one specific moment - it's a bit of a Rock ballad (featuring Slash from Guns N' Roses) and the crowd cheering through the track gives it that Live feel, so I remember imagining I was on a stage performing it in front of a huge crowd.
2. Mark Morrison | Return Of The Mack
The ultimate feel-good party song. I can't imagine there is anyone, in the World, ever, who doesn't like this song. I remember back in primary school my friend had the single at home and every time I went round to his house he would play this song on repeat, quite literally, and if his dad drove us anywhere he would bring it for the car ride, it was literally never off!! I think this is the reason it's engrained in my head forever.
3. Daft Punk | Around The World
Quite possibly my first introduction to Dance Music. Before we had Cable TV, VH1 would show a programme called Pop-Up Video on Channel 4 on a Sunday morning and I remember being mesmerised by the first time I saw the video for Around The World. The idea of faceless Digital Music was a pretty new concept to me at the time, which must have made it even more appealing.
4. Wu-Tang Clan | Protect Ya Neck
This is the song that basically changed everything for me. I was 13 in Art class at school; me and my friends had a trick where we would sneak a Walkman into class and thread the headphones through our school jumper and then you'd rest your head in your hand, while listening to music through the sleeve. I was always a fan of Rap Music, from what I'd heard on TV, but that was usually the more cheesy Pop side of things (like Will Smith), and it wasn't until my friend played me Wu-Tang Clan's Protect Ya Neck in Art class that I heard this Dark style of Hip Hop, and after that I was totally hooked. This was in the days before everyone had the Internet, so most of the Music I sought out after this was by reading what was hot in The Source magazine, taping the Westwood show and by borrowing my friend's albums and recording them onto cassette.
5. Cassius | Feeling For You
Another memory from the school days is finding this cassette single in the tape deck of a second hand car my parents had bought - I loved the vocal sample and the way it was pitched up and remember feeling like I'd stumbled onto something pretty special.

6. Carcass | Reek Of Putrefaction
It would be irresponsible of me to miss Carcass out if I'm detailing the history of my musical background - being that without them, I wouldn't be called Jamie Grind. From the age of about 16 I discovered Grindcore, a style of Music which has characteristics of Metal, Punk and Hardcore - I was pretty heavily into the scene, had my own webzine and joined a series of bands - the name Jamie Grind became a kinda nickname. Carcass were early pioneers of Grindcore, so for that reason I have to add them to this list - Reek Of Putrefaction was probably their strongest track (and most musical!)...
7. Dizzee Rascal | Stop Dat
When Boy In Da Corner came out in 2003 (I was 18) it was the first time I thought an MC from the UK really had a voice, and something worthwhile to say - plus the Music felt way ahead of its time. A friend of mine tried to copy the Stop Dat tune and I wrote and recorded lyrics for it, which ultimately led to me buying my own recording equipment which I set up at my mum's house.
8. Pinch | Punisher
This isn't my favourite Dubstep tune, but definitely the most important as it's the first one I remember actually hearing. It was 2006, so the scene already had a following (mainly down South) for some time. I kept hearing the word Dubstep, but hadn't really checked it out - it was still a heavily vinyl culture, so the first song I heard was on a record that had just come in at a record shop in town, which was Pinch's Punisher. At the time, I'd never heard anything quite like it - it was heavy, but slow, it had sparse instrumentation, but still sounded fat.
9. Burial | Distant Lights
Burial's self titled album - I don't really need to go into too much detail here, we've all heard it and know how much of a game changer it was. I wish I could go back to 2006 and hear this album for the first time again! I remember I used to play the game Soldier Of Fortune 2, and I would have Burial's album playing on my headphones and the sound of rain and gun casings scattering on the floor felt like it was the actual Soundtrack.
10. TRG | Broken Heart (Martyn's DCM Remix)
The last song I'm choosing is another important one, as it might have a lot to do with the style of Music I make now - not solely this song on its own, but the Music that was coming out around this time, especially on the Hessle imprint. This remix is a perfect example of the Garage/Dubstep crossover sound I was hooked on, the chords, the strings, the skippy beat, and just the overall vibe are all things I wanted to recreate myself. I think this remix embodies a lot of elements from different styles of Music I'd listened to over the years, while still creating a sound entirely of its own.