WARMER MIXTAPES #832 | by Keith Levy [Sherry Vine]
1. Siouxsie And The Banshees | Spellbound
I am a HUGE Siouxsie fan and Love all of their work, but if I had to pick one favorite song that makes me happy no matter how many times I hear it - it's Spellbound.
2. Cocteau Twins | Carolyn's Fingers
This was the song that I did a Dance to in a show in Los Angeles with my friend Curtis who since passed away. It's so Moving and Beautiful. I have no idea what she's saying, but I can feel it!
3. Lush | De-Luxe
Their album Gala is probably my single fav record of All Time. This song reminds me of playing cards with DJ Robbie Daniels in San Francisco until 4am. In the 1990's I would buy anything put out from the record label 4AD. I Love a Hard Music Sound with a Female Pretty Voice. The Mixture of Soft and Hard.
4. My Bloody Valentine | Only Shallow
Another example of Soft and Hard and another favorite. I don't have any story for this song, but I've always wanted to Sample it for an Original Song of my Own.

5. Blondie | Rip Her To Shreds
My fav song by the Most Beautiful Woman Who Has Ever Lived! LOL. I got to perform this song with Debbie Harry at Squeezebox in NYC. Definitely a High Light. She also gave us permission to use it in a Documentary about the party. Squeezebox was the craziest fun Gay Rock Party in NYC. Lots of Celebs and Straight People hung out too, which made it even crazier, but it was the first time I saw Drag Queens singing Rock N Roll with a Live Band!
6. Lady Gaga | Bad Romance
This song will always have a big place in my heart as it was my first Parody (Shit My Pants) that went Viral and opened a lot of doors for me. You can see all my videos on YouTube, just by the way, LOL.
7. Toilet Boys | Phly
The Toilet Boys were a NYC band that did very well around the World. Fronted by my dear friend Miss Guy, this is my fav song of theirs. I can remember them performing it in NYC and the Lead Guitarist, Sean, would spray Fire out of his Guitar. HOT!

8. Madonna | Burning Up
OK, don't say it, I Love Madonna and I'm not apologizing for it! LOL. She was my Lady Gaga in the 1980's. I first heard this song dancing in a club in Washington DC (they didn't card, so it was the only place we could go under 18 years of age) and I asked the DJ Who is this?... He said Madonna. I ran to the Record Store the next day asking if they had the record. They had never heard of her. I kept saying, She's this new black Singer!... I still Love the song and Video and did a Techno Version of it myself.
9. Robyn | Dancing On My Own
Out of all the songs to come out of Sweden recently this is my fav. I think it's the Perfect Song. It's Sad, but not a Ballad. It says Everything I Would Want to Say in a Song Myself.
10. Scissor Sisters | Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd Cover)
I heard this just the other day and had forgotten how much I Love it. It was the first song I heard by them when I was living in Berlin and was blown away. I was already a big fan of Pink Floyd and I think they made a Terrific Homage!