WARMER MIXTAPES #850 | by Michael Milton Quinn (Supergrass, Diamond Hoo Ha Men, The Asylum) of Beat Seeking Missiles and DB Band
One I made up as Road Songs for the Car around 15 years ago. Still Enjoying It To This Day.
Photos by Mark Berridge
Photos by Mark Berridge
1. Aphrodite's Child | The Four Horsemen
Vangelis and Demis Roussos Together in One Band! Both Figure like Ghosts in my Earliest Memories, through my Parent’s Record Collections, but this Mystic Oddity arrived much later. Who knows What this Album is About, but the Thunderous Drumming on this track Elevates It Above the Rest. Vangelis's Usual Ability to Create His Own Universe of Sound is Present, but with Roussos it Pre-Figuring Similar Tracks like Salome's Dance from the Blade Runner Soundtrack.
2. The Velvet Underground | Rock & Roll
…Life was saved by Rock and Roll. Loved this song the First Time I Heard it and it’s never far from the Stereo. Lou Reed is the Coolest Mother Fucker.
3. Robert Wyatt | I'm A Believer (The Monkees Cover)
Robert Wyatt performed this in a Wheel Chair on British TV in the 70s and it left a Big Impression on me; a Raw and Heartfelt take on this tin-pan alley, Monkees hit.
4. Can | Vitamin C
Drummer Jaki Liebezeit is All Over It and the Whole Free Form Album of Ege Bamyasi. Damo Suzuki‘s Strange, Pleading Vocals must have been an Inspiration to The Cure’s Robert Smith and many others I think.
5. The Spencer Davis Group | Keep On Running (Jackie Edwards Cover)
Infectious Beyond Belief and as a Kid I had this Roving Around my Head for a Full Year Bbefore I Found out Who It Was and Ordered it from the Local Record Shop on 7” Vinyl. Didn't take too long to pick it out on the Guitar after that.
6. Pink Floyd | Lucifer Sam
Like a Directed Link to the Cannabinoid Psychosis of my Youth. Fucked Up, Minor Key, 12 Bar Blues with Syd Barrett’s Strange Cat Mauling Guitar Popping Out of the Mix Between the Groove, That Cat’s Something I Can’t Explain...

7. Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band | Moonlight In Vermont
Captain Beefheart’s Feral Growl is so Aggressive You Can Almost Smell Him, Terrifying to Practically Anyone Under the Age of 10. The Arrangements make you want to Play the Track Backwards to Find Some Sort of Meaning in the Structure, but those, Drawn-Out, Guitar Blues Licks seem to Hold It All Together somehow.
8. The Rolling Stones | Child Of The Moon
A great Fuzz Bass Sound, the Stones Ragged and Beautifully Stoned Grandeur Pours Out Of This, a Contender for Best Quality B-side along with the Beatles - Rain.
9. Link Wray | Night Life
Link Wray’s Playing is Always Surprising, Uplifting and Possessed with a Sly Sense of Humour. As Perfect As Road Trip Music Gets, with a Groove like a Lolloping Horse Riding Into Town and a Hanna-Barbara-esqu Slide Intro.
10. The Band | The Weight
Mostly remember Driving Around with my Two Little Girls in the Back of the Car, Singing Along to This. Some of the Best Bar Room Piano You’ll Hear and Great Character Vocals and Harmonies from Most of the Band.
+11. David Bowie | Boys Keep Swinging
Demented but Expert Guitar Control from Adrian Belew, with apparently, all the other Session Players on the Wrong Instruments. You can almost see Bowie draped around Carlos Alomar doing the Backing Vocals. The Anthem to Chauvinism? Taken from possibly the Loneliest and Most Out There Album Bowie made, this track seems to be looking for friends.
+12. The Velvet Underground | Pale Blue Eyes
Sad and Down, Lou Reed Draws You Into the Story of his Unrequited, Impossible Love Affair. The Band provides the Perfect Atmosphere and along with Jesus, one of the Velvet’s Most Haunting Songs.

+13. Buzzcocks | You Say You Don’t Love Me
Stuck on Repeat on the Jukebox in a Bar Somewhere in the East Village, this was the Unlikely Soundtrack to my First Falling in Love with New York City. Steve Diggle’s Descending Bass Line Reels You In to a Feeling of Being Homesick and at Home At the Same Time.
+14. Bob Dylan | It’s All Over Know, Baby Blue (Dont Look Back Documentary Live Version, 1965)
Who can decipher Yonder stands your Orphan with his Gun Crying like a Fire in the Sun, but the Power of this Song is Undeniable. Dylan playing this to Donavan in a crowded Hotel Room, then later, Joan Baez singing it back at Dylan in the back of the Limo, both in Dont Look Back, it remains an Ultimate Kiss-Off.
+15. John Barry | Fun City (Midnight Cowboy Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Beautifully Arranged Soundtrack from Midnight Cowboy, John Barry’s Exquisite Piano Plays You Out of the Velvet Lined Warmth of the Cinema and back to the Rainy Streets of Reality.