1. Tomaso Albinoni | Adagio In G Minor (For Violin, Strings and Organ Continuo) (Performed by London Philharmonic Orchestra, Conductor: David Parry)
This would be right there at the top of my list. Probably because it was the first song in my memory that I can say moved me, and moved me profoundly. My father first introduced it to me, he being a Classical Violinist himself and a devout Listener and Historian. It was that very first song that I heard that stirred up for me Emotions completely linked to the actual Piece, not some sort of reference trigger, or a kids song to bob along to. It stirred up beautiful Sad feelings in me that I can honestly say had a direct link to each particular Note, Timbre, Tone, and Melancholic Movement of the song. It was a very powerful experience for me.
2. Autechre | VLetrmx21
It opened a whole New World of Sound for me, a Limitlessness in Texture, a break from any pre conceived Structure. The Creation of Electronic Music. I would say this song was the single most inspiring song for me in terms of pushing me to actually Create and Record Music.
3. Cristian Vogel | You And I
Specific Momentific record... As a younger dude I ended up putting all my hard earned money into this ridiculous little 3 Series BMV that had one of the nicest aftermarket Stereos installed in it I could afford. I would drive around the lush streets of my parents neighborhood in North Toronto, purposely taking my time getting home at night, almost baiting the Sun to come up as I just drove, by myself listening to the Absolute Magic in his songs. That whole disc (CD) was just perfect for me, the kind of disc you played and if you had to stop... You couldn’t wait to start it up again and continue where you left off. Something that seems to be a little lost in .mp3 Culture, that continuous thread an Album weaves. That Connection with You...

4. Funkadelic | Red Hot Mama
Together with Who Knows by Jimi Hendrix... Two songs that absolutely blew me away in High School and, if I had an iTunes counter back, then I am sure the number of plays would be almost illegible. And... Just raw, nasty grit coming out of those speakers, pure Energy. Those two songs have to be some of the wildest tracks ever to be played on a Guitar, an Effected Guitar at that which, in many ways to me, sparked my interest in the concept of Manipulating Sound with Electronics. Many a fun moments was had whilst listening to those tracks.
5. Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth | The Main Ingredient
Again, I am going to have to site an entire CD here and say had a nice chunk of Inspiration for me. Amazing Production, super rad Lyrics, amazing songs... Pretty much fun times. Every listen brings me back to that simple and unbiased appreciation for the Music that filled my Childhood. I had the privilege of seeing them Live a couple of years ago in Berlin and in some ways I have to say one of the better Live Musical Experiences of my Life.
6. Jon Hopkins | Open Eye Signal
It's a masterpiece in many ways to me. Any track that has the power to make me feel that jealous and still Love it is a good one.

7. Thom Yorke | Black Swan
Just simply dope. Love the meaning, love the Music, love his voice...
8. Nathan Fake | The Sky Was Pink
Just a totally rad track, love it!
9. Pink Floyd | Money
The Dark Side Of The Moon... The whole album. It’s just an amazing record Beginning to End. It’s a Crazy World they weave, something you don’t get out of many records.
10. James Blake | The Wilhelm Scream (James Litherland's 'Where to Turn' Cover)
Just a Solid, Solid track and feels Inspiring just listening to someone who is just doing their thing. Gives me hope that people actually still just like Music and not Bullshit Pop that seems to be getting worse and worse. It’s just good.
+11. Björk | Unison
Verspertine, again the whole record. This is one of those records that will be relevant for years, the Lyrics are beautiful, the Production is so Creative and beautiful... Ahhh, can’t really say enough about that record!
I have to admit, I like listening to Artists' Whole Works a bit more then just a collection of songs. I don’t just passively listen to Music when I like it, I want to indulge in it, be engulfed in it.