WARMER MIXTAPES #891 | by Van McCann of Catfish And The Bottlemen
1. Van Morrison | Wavelength (Live At Montreux)
BUT... It HAS to be this version where he opens his set on it and goes into a wild Trance! Seriously, there's nothing like it!
2. Van Morrison | Caravan (with The Band) (The Last Waltz Live Version)
Again, this HAS to be the Live version he does with the band on their film The Last Waltz!... I think it's his first show back since he had a few years off through stage fright! He blows heads off!
3. Eels | My Beloved Monster
If I wrote a Love song I'd like it to be written like this!
4. Eels | It's A Mother Fucker
This always reminds me of my girlfriend when I'm away Touring and it's just the way he writes Lyrics, no hidden messages, no innuendos, just straight to the point and the way you'd want to say them if you weren't trying to be Poetic, if you know what I mean?
5. Catfish And The Bottlemen | Pacifier
It makes ladies take thier tops of in Convertibles!

6. The National | Humiliation
I've just recently got into this band after having it forced down me by my manager and girlfriend and never realised how Unreal his words are!
7. The Heartbreaks | Save Our Souls
These are the best kept secret in Morcombe! They're like a Positive Smiths! They're full of Melody and wear their influences on their sleeves, but in an Original way, if you get me?
8. Paul Simon | You Can Call Me Al
We play this on every late night drive home after a gig to keep spirits up! Possibly the best ever Intro to a song and there's no better toe tapper on the Earth!
9. The Rolling Stones | Beast Of Burden
There's no song that's as soulfully sleezy as this one! As soon as you hear that Opening Guitar Riff it just hits you with a kind of sexy Sea Sick feeling!
10. Little Comets | Jennifer
IT'S THE BEST POP SONG EVER WRITTEN! This band deserve to be one of the biggest in the World! They're so Honest, hard working and he's a Lyrical Godsend.