WARMER MIXTAPES #937 | by David Whitfield [Davidian]
1. The Beach Boys | Pet Sounds
This Instrumental, buried within perhaps the Greatest Album of All Time, has been one of my favourite tracks for as long as I can remember. The Innovative use of every day items to create entirely unique Sounds is extremely inspiring to me.
2. Nas | The World Is Yours
Had to include a Nas track. One of the last living Hip-Hop greats. This track is a daily listen for me. The message is clear and it has motivated me through a lot of times when I’ve not felt like working. Don’t let Nas down!
3. Stevie Wonder | Summer Soft
Stevie Wonder is hands down my All Time Favourite Musician. My dad introduced me to him when I was a bairn by playing Hotter Than July on Vinyl - a record I still regularly spin. His Versatility astounds me. The track Summer Soft stands above the others for me. The Emotion behind the Vocal can’t be ignored.
4. Bicep | Vision Of Love
I dropped this Piano Houser at my first DJ Set and it went down so well. FMB001 is a brilliant release. The Mix is so perfect. I must have spent hours listening, trying and understand how it’s so Smooth. Certainly a track and budding House Producer should aspire to.
5. FCL | More Than Seven
This track made me start making House, simple as that. I heard it out at a Basement Club in Leicester a few years back and had to ask the DJ who it was. Those Chords are spot on and the Bouncy Bass works so well. A House staple.

6. James Blake | Sparing The Horses
Back when the term Post-Dubstep was synonymous with James Blake. I first heard this track at Warehouse Project Manchester back in 2011. I’d never heard anything like it, such a haunting track. I Love the Silent pauses before bursting back into that Wonky Beat. Looking back, I feel bad for my Uni flatmate who ended up enduring this blasting out my room every day.
7. Miles Davis | Blue In Green (with Bill Evans)
I really enjoy a good Jazz Ballad, and this has to be one of the best. The Modal Melody is so Moving and Thought Provoking. The perfect tune after a long day.
8. Detroit Swindle | Sometimes
I had to put a Swindle track on this list. It was almost impossible to narrow down to one because they literally never miss. Sometimes has to be the best for me though. The Organesque Synth Cutoff on the Drop is so Smooth and the Vocals compliment the Sound so well. Spot on.
9. The Beatles | A Day In The Life
Another Lifelong Musical Love. Both my parents are fans and I grew up listening to the Blue and Red albums on Pre-Recorded Cassettes. A Day In The Life was originally meant to be two tracks, but the band decided to merge them into one, and it works so well. Always takes me back!
10. D’Angelo | Untitled (How Does It Feel)
D’Angelo is the Personification of Everything I Love About Music. So many of his inspirations are my favourite Musicians, and he manages to encompass the best of all of them in this track. Video is pretty intense, mind.