WARMER MIXTAPES #1042 | by Katie Malco
1. Joanna Newsom | Emily
When I first heard it, this song changed everything I previously knew about Music. At first it made me feel kind of weird, like I had travelled back in Time or something. It’s the album opener of Ys – an album so Musically Beautiful and Complex, with so many Layers and Meanings that it grows and grows on you over time, gripping you and pulling you further in. I now listen to it at night when I can’t sleep, and just hearing her Voice Sing the first line makes me melt.
2. Death Cab For Cutie | What Sarah Said
Death Cab have a thousand great songs because Ben Gibbard is the King of Melody. The Piano part on this song is so Simple yet so so Haunting, and the Lyrics are Amazingly Clear and Sorrowful. I mostly listen to it when I’m getting emo on a Train journey.

3. Land Of Talk | It's Okay
This song instantly grabbed me the first time I heard it – I was on Tour and we were driving in Cornwall in the van. The scenery was stunning and the weather was strange that day, and whenever I hear this song it reminds me of that. The Guitar is Perfect and the Drums are Modest and Reserved yet hugely Effective.
4. Bruce Springsteen | Born To Run
Is there a more Triumphant song than Born To Run?! I doubt it. I very doubt it. It’s got everything; Lyrics that make you want to sing to the skies, Glocks, Horns, big Guitars, Piano, and Huge Moments of Grandeur. I have loads of Springsteen favourites, but Born To Run has the line; I wanna die with you, Wendy, on the streets tonight, in an everlasting kiss. I wish I was Wendy.

5. Hole | Violet
My best friend and I used to blast this out at Full Volume in her bedroom and sing along when we were teenagers. Hole were and still are a huge Inspiration to us– we were both teaching ourselves to play Guitar, and were surrounded by patronising boys. Hole were our Escape from that – they were so Refreshing. Violet is dripping in Anger and Fury and all the things a nice girl isn’t supposed to feel, and hearing those direct Lyrics and that scream coming out of a Woman’s mouth is so Liberating.
6. David Bazan | Won’t Let Go
This is the song I listen to when I need a good Cry. It’s Understated and Sung through Determined Gritted Teeth. It has Relatable and Resonating Lyrics; And I humbly acknowledge that I won’t always get my way, but, darling, Death will have to pry my fingers loose, ‘cause I will not let go of you. I saw Bazan play an Intimate Show in London Solo, and it was so Intense when he played this that you could Cut the Atmosphere with a Knife. I strive for that Intensity; he’s a huge Influence for me.

7. Brand New | Sic Transit Gloria…Glory Fades
This song takes me back to a time of Naïve Freedom – being a teenager and going nuts at a Club Night called The Blast Chamber when it came on. It was actually a huge hit at the time in the Rock World, although Brand New have become quite a Trendy Clique sort of band in more recent years. It’s not only Nostalgia that made me choose this song though, there’s just nothing better than Jesse Lacey’s Voice when he Sing/Screams DIE YOUNG AND SAVE YOURSEEELLLLFFF!...
8. Neutral Milk Hotel | Two Headed Boy
I don’t even know what it is I Love about this song or this band. The Lyrics are Obscure, Jeff Mangum’s Voice is kind of Strange, but so Strong and Inviting, and the Guitar Strums Incessantly. I can’t put my finger on what it is, but I Love this song and I Love the Words because they mean so Much and yet so Little, and I Love his Voice and I Love the Guitar.

9. Frightened Rabbit | Floating In The Forth
Frightened Rabbit are from Fife, which is where I am from, and they sing in an accent that makes me feel at home. This song is about the Forth Road Bridge which is the bridge that joins Edinburgh to Fife. My Mum’s side of the family live in Edinburgh and my Dad’s live in Fife so I used to go over that bridge all the time. I always connected with this song because it’s sad but hopeful.

10. Radiohead | All I Need
This song Builds so Incredibly. I think it is one of the Most Perfect Songs Ever Written. The Bass constantly moves Mournfully and the Piano swells and then releases into this massive Crescendo, evoking so much Emotion that you don’t even know what to do with it.