WARMER MIXTAPES #1217 | by Jackson Holmes [danglo]
1. Steve Reich | Come Out
OK, I’ve decided to focus on tracks that have really had an impact on my life in some way… This track was introduced to me when I was doing Music GCSE. I was 15 or so. It completely shifted my perception of what Music could be. Piano Phase and Music For 18 Musicians are also great, but Come Out was the first I ever heard. It was then that I went on to learn about John Cage and his ideas…
2. John Cage | Three Dances (For Two Prepared Pianos) (Performed by Gerard Bouwhuis & Cees van Zeeland)
…Ideas that Music might no longer be about notes, melodies, chord progressions…That Music was about SOUNDS. Every Electronic producer knows that this is the case. We are arranging Sounds, Sounds that we find aesthetically pleasing.
3. Brian Wilson Presents Smile | Heroes And Villains (Live At The Royal Festival Hall, 2004)
Brian Wilson’s Smile at The Royal Festival Hall. I was so privileged to be able to see this monumental event. The Album, Live, was like nothing I had ever seen before. Actually, that makes sense, no one had ever seen or heard it before!
4. Radiohead | Idioteque
I started listening to Electronic Music when I was about 10 or so. But I got into Rock Music and forgot about Electronic Music for a couple of years. This was the song that brought me right back again. It’s the perfect gateway tune!
5. Patrick Wolf | The Childcatcher
Again, this blew everything wide open, a song with really heavy lyrical content, but also a really Experimental Electronic track that blows me away. Patrick Wolf’s brain must have been on fire when he made Lycanthropy. You can’t bottle that shit.

6. Kyuss | Demon Cleaner
I wanted to chose a Queens Of The Stone Age song, because I think Josh Homme is the king of laying down a groove. A simple bass line, a tight beat, and some seriously great guitar tones. Kyuss is Josh Homme’s first band, I thought I’d introduce you to them, just in case you hadn’t heard of them. Apparently Josh Homme played Guitar through a bass amp in this band. That's it! That's a great idea! Play the guitar through the bass amp!
7. Foreign Beggars | What Goes Up (feat. Dr. Syntax)
UK Hip Hop. UK Hip Hop. UK Hip Hop! Where is it? I’d love to produce some Hip Hop. Basically I’m so upset that there isn’t any Music like this at the moment that I have nothing more to say on the matter. Someone who raps and wants to make HIP HOP email me at danglo.official@gmail.com!!!
8. Depeche Mode | Enjoy The Silence
For some reason I’d never heard this tune until I was about 19. My eyes immediately popped out of their sockets and I decided it was the best song ever.
9. Dreadzone | A Canterbury Tale
If you’ve just had a heavy night in a dark room with flashing lights and lots of Bass Music, afterwards most people put on some Bonobo or something. Bonobo is great, but this is even better that Bonobo, trust me.
10. Fingathing | Once Upon A Time In The East
I saw these guys support DJ Shadow at Brixton Academy when I was 14 or so. They were the soundtrack to many a train journey and rainy walk to School.