WARMER MIXTAPES #1218 | by Andrea Noce of le ROSE
1. Claude Debussy | Arabesque No. 1 (Played by Aldo Ciccolini)
I learned it at the piano when I was 15 years old. If I look back at that era, it wasn't happy. My parents were splitting, the Music was a refuge, and still is. The piano lessons were frustrating, most of the time. I couldn't play technical stuff, like Bach or Hanon, but I was very good with Romantic repertoire, like Chopin. The Arabesque was my teacher's idea. The Music echoes a Baroque distant nature and brings my fantasy in a luxurious world of fauns and nymphs, like A Midsummer Night's Dream scenario. When I compose my own songs at the piano, I often start playing the first arpeggio of this score, it's always inspiring.
2. Ennio Morricone | Deep Down (Danger: Diabolik Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Directed by Mario Bava. For me, it's pure Sex. I felt in Love with a guy thanks to this song. I was hesitant, because there was another guy in my thoughts, but the night he played it, he convinced me, we made Love, and we spent 7 years together. Then, only after I have listened to the Music I watched the movie. And I felt in Love with Mario Bava's filmography, as well. He's actually my favorite Italian director. John Phillip Law and Marisa Mell are Pop Art icons, in between real actors and characters printed on a sheet. Michel Piccoli has never been so two-dimensional. I cannot forget one of the first scene, when she gave him a sleeping pill after his latest robbery and as he woke up she confesses I prefer you to sleep because I'm afraid you will get bored and you will stop desiring me!... I recommend it and it's on YouTube.
3. Garbo | A Berlino... Va Bene
I was listening to this track with my friends in Rome. Rome was exciting at that time, but we were fancying Berlin, we've never been there and it looked like the promised land for us, Music outsiders of the outskirts (A Berlino... Va Bene = In Berlin... It's Alright). We couldn't get Berlin, not yet, but, most of all, what we really missed was that glamour and beauty our country had between 70s and 80s, when we produced cool Music, when we were an Economic and Cultural Power and when our songwriters were cool people. Listening to the words of this song I wandered how much whiskey Garbo drunked and how high he was. Last year I moved finally to Berlin. A Berlino... Va Bene.
4. Erik Satie | Gymnopédie No. 3 (Played by Nancy Leticia)
When I talk with friends about their favourite Music I always ask if they have a Music that makes them cry. Because I have and it's Satie's Gymnopédies, particularly the n°3. I cannot recall when was the first time I cried listening to it, but surely I was alone, late at night in my bed, and I was sleepless. The gentle dissonances and the melancholy effect striked at the heart and I felt like this was the most perfect Music ever. A friend from Vancouver posted a self video during practice of this piece, huge recommendation, lovely...
5. Joe Meek & The Blue Men | I Hear A New World
Disease and Futurism. It freaks you out and makes you laugh at the same time. It's Psychotic Music, so fat and intense. And silly at the same time, like the sounds that meant to simulate the little green men's voices. It's Noise Music, Hawaiian Pop and Ambient Synths Dronic, pionering in so many ways, also related to Weirdo Pop Music and Sound Experimentation. I'm very fascinated by psychotic minds, because they push up the Human Boundaries to Outer Space, to New Worlds and they talked straight to our comfort normality zone, which is the craziest thing we have to deal with. Only Syd Barrett gives me the same feeling.

6. Food Of The Gods | Boy From Brazil
Tim Koh, from Haunted Graffiti, sent me the link for this song. Seems like the band did not so much after this. It's like fresh breeze, it brings you to Southern vision of Sea and Erotism. Improv and nice sounds.
7. Doris Norton | Personal Computer
She's a cliché, but never too much quoted. In the latest six years, the Computer became the most important tool in my life and work. Sometimes, with no proper place to stay and no money, it's been the only help to avoid Depression. Doris Norton is the Polar Star for every woman involved in Electronic Music and Computer World.
8. Dr. Fiorella Terenzi | Sidereal Breath
Italian Astrophysicist, Fiorella Terenzi worked at the Computer Audio Research Laboratory, University of California, San Diego and developed techniques to Convert Radio Waves from Galaxies into Sound. I am fascinated by the combination of Sexiness, Intelligence and Pop imagery she has been able to combine. Idol.
9. Roberto Cacciapaglia | My Time (with Ann Steel)
First of all, thanks to my beloved friend Stefano Di Trapani who introduced me this amazing album. This is pure Proto-Science, despite of a quite traditional and Poppish style in it. All the instruments are Acoustic, but processed like Computer Sounds. Scientific as Smart Pop. I was pleased to make a cover with my band le ROSE (the link is not available anymore, but this is what Cacciapaglia replied on Facebook when I sent it to him: Grazie del messaggio e complimenti per il lavoro su My Time! A presto allora a Milano o a Bologna RC.
10. Can | Future Days
What does this song mean to me? Femme Fatale - The Velvet Underground, Pendulum - Broadcast, Season Of The Witches - Donovan, So Hot - Spacemen 3, Song To The Siren - Tim Buckley, La Javanaise - Serge Gainsbourg, Autobahn - Kraftwerk, E2-E4 - Manuel Göttsching, Elzeviro - Piero Umiliani... And so on. The Future Days are all the songs we love and all the ones we still didn't listen to. We need a song per day, for the sake of Future Days.