WARMER MIXTAPES #1295 | by Frank Schültge [F.S.Blumm] of Quasi Dub Development, Old Splendifolia, Bobby And Blumm, Sack Und Blumm and F.S.Blumm & Nils Frahm
1. The Who | My Generation
This shall be the first one, a Dance track, when I was 15-years-old, we used to spoil every party because we always succeeded somehow in getting that song on the turntable (...yes, we were Retro, Retro-mods...), dancing like idiots, too stupid to get in touch with girls and drinking like even bigger idiots...
2. Joy Division | She's Lost Control
Another Dance track, one year later, when I was 16 in the Disco in Bremen, my hometown, dancing with my nose on the ground, my arms in the air and dried soap in my hair (yes, I was pre-, pre-Emo). Dark on the inside, dark on the outside, I got out of that, but I always get back to it...
3. The Velvet Underground | Sister Ray
Statistically, I mean, counting the minutes, this is the song that I heard the most in my life, I mainly heard it while playing it myself, together with my friends, in the rehearsal room, for hours and hours, as loud as possible, while the World outside departed, totally focused on the Noise part, playing that riff over and over, hypnotized, while our instruments slowly broke...
4. The Shaggs | Philosophy Of The World
A friend introduced me to that song, to that record and I think he soon had regrets about it, because at that time I lived at his place and I was hooked on that Music, under a spell, I couldn't listen to anything else anymore, over and over, trying to understand what's happening, trying to analyse the Rythmical Structure, the Space and Connection between these girls, the Hyper Truth, the Psychological-Physical law behind it, it's irreproducible...
5. The Upsetters | Catch This
Another track that was rewiring my brain, reassembling my brain, build upon bass and snare, relying on bass and snare, stripped down to the bone, my door opener to the World of Dub, the idea of Creating Music by Mixing and Producing, this is so bold, so genius, just get rid of anything distracting and go for it, brave decisions, bold decisions...

6. Palace Music | A Group Of Women
Another unbelievable mix, OMG, the communication between the drum-machine, this merciless-drum-machine and these soulful humans that pull their inside out, David Grubbs on piano, his harmonies, they always kill me...
7. Scott Walker | Such A Small Love
Another song that simply kills me, again and again and it's as deep as you can get using Pathos without getting pathetic. I wish I could reach that in my own Art...
8. Nuno Canavarro | Wolfie
Maybe the opposite of Pathos, but still so Emotional, so touching, another door opener, a door opener to real Minimalism, diving into the Micro-Cosmos, getting into details, filling out the Pause, the Pause for Reflection, Starting Music from the Point of Silence, open the Door to a Wide, Wide World of Subtlety and delicate Perception...
9. T-Love | What's My Name? (3/4) (feat. This Kid Named Miles)
My entrance to the World of the Female-Conscious-Rap. Perfect flow, perfect mixture of Toughness and Smoothness in general, inspiring mind and body. Really a lot to explore in that field...
10. M.I.A. | Pull Up The People
I mean, let's take the whole Arular album as one big track and let's take it for something that is hard to find: intelligent Reggaeton, conscious Dancehall, good Digital Dub. And let's take it for something else that's hard to find: an inspiring superstar and let's take this track for all Future Door-Opening, Mind-Expanding, Deeply-Touching, Brave, Bold, dancy, wobbling... Tracks.