WARMER MIXTAPES #955 | by Tim Gibbs of The Wolf and The Bad Lovers
1. The Flying Burrito Bros. | Sin City
Really anything by Gram Parsons has been hitting the spot lately. As the Bad Lovers have been aging into more Country-Inspired Rock, he's proved to be a pretty fuckin' phenomenal Inspiration in many ways. We recommend everybody check out at least their The Gilded Palace Of Sin album. For not being from Texas, Parsons has an incredible knack for balancing Country and Rock.
2. The Pharmacy | Wait In Vayne
We recently played with these guys in Seattle, where they smashed their Gear on stage, explaining to us later that it was under warranty from the Corporate Chain Gear Center they got it from, and they'd replace it for free the next day. Pure Class.
3. The Mamas & The Papas | Straight Shooter
A lot of times it kinda ruins a song for me when I realize that it's just about Drugs, and not really the Multi-Faceted Metaphor for Shit that I thought it was when I first heard it. This isn't one of those cases. I actually don't remember what I used to think this song was about, maybe Monogamy or some such Square Business I engage in, but it's way cooler as a Love song to Hard Drugs. Straight Shooter really embodies the sweetheart/sleazy Drug Addict Dichotomy of The Mamas & The Papas.
4. Robert Earl Keen | Merry Christmas From The Family
I vaguely remember the first time I heard this song. It was Christmas, I was visiting my family, and after my brother and I got drunk he played this for me in his car, sitting in my folks' driveway. I knew then, probably back in 2006, that it would be one of my favorite songs from then on. I don't know if its poignancy translates outside of the Southern United States, but give it a try. If you dig it check out the Video too. Also I recommend it for your drunk Acoustic Picnic Table Sessions.
5. Natural Child | Blind Owl Speaks
This song pretty well speaks for itself. We Love these guys. All that shit I was sayin' about Gram Parsons and The Mamas & The Papas, lay that on these guys plus more. Of all the bands we get to play and/or party with, these dudes are most likely our favorites.

6. The Replacements | If Only You Were Lonely
I reckon this song is the Essence of Punk-Doing-Country Properly. It echoes Moe Bandy, Hank Williams, even some Willy Nelson maybe. I'm drinking while I write this, so Drinking Music is what's comin out.
7. John Paul Keith & The One Four Fives | If I Were You
To get the obvious out of the way, it's like Roy Orbison (another Texas Rock 'n' Roller). But this World needs somebody to continue and refine that Style. Thankfully, John Paul Keith does it and does it right. I don't mean to say he's derivative, cause he's not really. He's just carrying on a much-neglected Tradition of Energizing, Pretty-Ass tunes. I'm drunk now and that's all I got to say. It's great.
8. The Kinks | Strangers
We've been talkin Texas, but not Buddhist thus far. This song -- "we are not two we are one" -- does it. Life ain't always so beautiful, except when you're listenin' to Strangers. Or at least it makes you forget the ugly. I don't know. I ain't no bodhisattva.
9. The Chi-Lites | Stoned Out Of My Mind
I don't have anything to say about this one except I wish I could write a song like this.
10. Bob Dylan | One Too Many Mornings
This song is the Perfect Closer to Anything. A Top Ten list, a Party, a Lifespan, whatever. Don't worry about it. Put some mayo on it. Make up a catchphrase. I Love You.