WARMER MIXTAPES #871 | by Vanessa Fernandez [Vandetta] of Urban Xchange/Parking Lot Pimp and Octover
1. Who Cares | Song For Our Fathers
Someone very special introduced these guys to me. They're a group from Sacramento, but I don't think they're together anymore. It has all these elements I love in one song - meaningful lyrics, great Hip-Hop beat, gorgeous Rhodes... Soulful with a little something heavy. I adore it.
2. Fatman Scoop | Be Faithful
This never fails to make me get up and dance. I put my hands in the air even if I don't have a fifty dollar bill. Epic tune.
3. Kasabian | L.S.F.
I went to Bali with some of my closest friends several years ago and I dubbed this the official song of our trip. Great vibe. I did a cover of it as well 'cause I loved it so much.
4. Björk | All Is Full Of Love
By far one of the greatest Music Videos I've ever seen, directed by Chris Cunningham. The lyrics are just fantastic as well. Beautiful message. Anytime I need to revive my spirits I listen to this song.
5. Radiohead | Street Spirit (Fade Out)
When I was a teenager one of the first gigs I did with a band was with my cousin and her friends at her School. There's something about this song… It's so easy to really sing it out loud with the very fibre of your being and feel totally Free in the process.

6. Michael Jackson | Black Or White
MJ was a big influence on me growing up. I was alienated a lot because I looked different from other kids being a Mixed-Race child. My mum introduced me to MJ and I'll always be grateful to her for that.
7. The Jackson 5 | I Want You Back
My brother and I go crazy whenever we hear this song together. It's such a catchy tune even though the lyrics are a little sad. I love songs with that kind of juxtaposition.
8. Coldplay | Amsterdam
This is a great song that builds slowly and explodes at the end. It also reminds me of the times I've been to Amsterdam twice - once with my family and another time with friends. I had this song playing in my head when I got Carpe Diem tattooed on my ribs during my second trip.
9. Massive Attack | Teardrop (with Elizabeth Fraser)
That Drum pattern with that Piano riff…. I don't think there's anything else I've heard that is as simple and powerful. It's the sexiest thing ever.
10. Alicia Keys | Goodbye
There was a time in my life when I had to say goodbye to someone and it was necessary, but incredibly painful. I listened to this over and over again while I cried like a baby. It was strangely comforting. I like to remember the bad along with the good. It reminds me how far I've come.